Chapter 4 {updated]

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anyways this is the new chapter, hope you like it.



The weather was hot, and I don't just mean english weather hot where it only reaches maximum 30 degrees and everyone acts like they're on miami beach.

No this was blistering hot, the heat was burning at my skin I couldn't even keep it exposed but it was even worse covering up. Wearing a long sleeved dress and jeans may have suited the waether back home, but it wasn't cut out for the weather here. While I made a reasolution two months into my new life to go shopping with Eve and Mia later that day. I had to settle on the narrow choice I was left with. I had rolled out of my bed, and was greeted with a empty house.

I longed for the days back home when I could wake up to the smell of fresh crumpets and coffee, now the only smell I had was my dads lingering scent after he had rucshed around the house before work. We bareley talked now, the only converstations that we did have were so formal and polite that I felt like I was taking to a stranger rather than my own flesh and blood. After having decided that I would skip breakfast and just eat a quick granola bar {they seemed to have become a close friend of mine} I went through my cupboard and tried to find suitable clothing for 40 degrees plus weather.

I decided with my pale summer dress from Mango that I had been an impulse buy before I came and I was wallowing in my sorrows. It was the type of dress I would have usually avoided because of the attention the ruffles by the bust would draw and the clinched waist as well as the not so long lenght of it. But the beautiful dusty shade and tiny printed flowers as well as the cheap price made me buy it. I paired the dress with some leggings and some pretty wedge heals that had been a going away presnt from my mates. Now I was left with the nagging question at the back of my mind- Scarf, or no scarf?



Before I came to America it would be no question asked, it would on my head pinned and ready. Yet, now the more time I spent integrating in the culture and mixing with the people here I changed my desicion. I decided with letting my hair fall free in light curls framing my face and even decided to add a little make up feeling lightned by the warm weather. People had told me In school that my hair should be left out and I was wasting my time just leaving it pinned behind a scarf, I had to admit it was nice to hear compliments rather than whispers behind my back. So today was my trial day, I would see how it would go, but I still kept one around my neck a kind of security blanket. I walked down the stairs and out of my homw and locked it without being indesicive, I walked the steps to my school feeling a more different than I had done in years.



As i walked the steps at the entrance of the school, I could feel peoples gazes. I stopped by the front arch and counted my breaths "calm down, your'e just being stupid, it's just your imagination" I thought to myself. I began to walk and felt a strange sense of deja vu, it was like the first day of schoold all over again. Peoples eyes trained on to my back and felt like laser lights penetrating a hole in my body. Yet I could only feel one pair of eyes apprasing me and obviously liking what he had seen.

"It looks like you scrub up nice darling, I always wondered what you hid under there." Antonio said in his smooth voice. I narrowed my eyes, he had NOT just said that his constant bantering with me was getting on my last nerve. Mia was sure that there was a motive behind it and he liked me, but I didn't believe that for a minute.

"Ah, look what the cat dragged in, had a late night Toni you looks a bit tired a, bit worn in if you get my drift."

"Now I know you want me, my Arabian Princess it's just a matter of time.You need to stop lying to yourself.  Admit it I drive you crazy." And with those final few words he lay a gentle kiss on my lips.



I began to appreciate to feel of his soft lips on mine, when I realized what I was doing i was letting the school jerk the guy that had been firing insult after insult at me to try and get a reaction out of me. He wanted me to act out and scream and shout so he could use me as humour with his little brain dead followers.

I pushed him off and scrubbed at my mouth, still iin shock at what had happened. I stared at him long and hard, giving the best death glare I could manage. Slowly my shock began to evaporate and it was then filled with anger, white pure anger.

"You bastard, you idoit, you complete wanker. What the hell do you think you are doing spreading your Stds around me, go find some desperate girl like Katherine she'll be begging on her knees for you. I never want your filthy mouth or any other part of you around me again."

He then did the one thing I least expected him, to do he started chuckling. I couldn't believe it, he actually had it in him to laugh after I had nearly called him every name under the sun. That just made me ten times angrier.

"What? huh? Are my words to complecated for your thick brain, is your skull so thick that you can't see that i'm royally pissed? You digust me, you walk sround like the bloody king of the world and then spread your diseases where they are not wanted. To be frank, I don't find it funny at all."

And with my final words, I planned a dramatic exit. You know, turning on my heel and storming away while the now eager audience would part like the red sea to let me thorugh. I could just imagine it. That was until he held a grip on my arm and came precariously close to me.

"Hey noe there's no need for your anger and we both knwo that you don't hate me, more like the opposite. The more you say no the more i'm gonna come after you. You my arabian princess are forbidden fruit and that my love makes you even more tempting."

"Oh and thats another thing, i'm not your arabian princess never have done never will be."

But my words were spoken to his retreating back and i felt like I was just fighting a losing battle, yet I had no intention of giving up.



My dignity was saved by the bell as the crowd began to disperse and didn't have to walk through them with my head bent and trying to blend into the scenery. As I cast my eyes upwards I saw Eve and Mia waiting by the side lockers, they had obviously seen what had happened and were sttod with sympathetic yet slightly amused faces. It was the amused part that I didn't understand.

Mia began to step closer and had her arms outstreched, I gladly accepted her hug and felt comfort from a friend.

"Hey it's alright, you know what he's like with his brainless croonies, but Zara you have to be blind not to see the fact that he likes you. This is him trying to show it to you, you know through the teasing and lame jokes. The fact that you came into school looking like that has probably made him even more eager."

That was when I really saw the consequences of my actions, what had I done it seemed like there was more harm then good. I turned to Eve she was even more quite that usual,

"Hey you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah i'm fine, you shouldn't worry anyway your probably his next conquest you knwo just another one to add to his list. If I were you I wouldn't waste your time."

I stood there stunned at her harsh words, where had the sweet Eve gone to.

"Don't worry about her she's just having her PMS."

But I had a nagging feeling and I knew there was something wrong. My only problem was getting to the bottom of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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