Chapter 2

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I was shell-shocked, he had played me, his smirk began to increase as he realized I had figure him out, he was streched out on his chair without a care in the worlds. His shirt beagn to ride up exposing his stomack, all thoughts of me telling him exactly what I thought of his little game, began to disperse as the teacher entrered and asked me to do the one thing I wished wouldn't come. I had to tell the class about myself, though I didn't really think that they cared about my life, they would probably take it as an excuse to ridicule and question me on the thing one my head.

"Um.. lets see, i'm from East London in England, i've lived there my whole life and have recently moved here with my dad"

"eh, you can't be British with that thing on your head." said a girl from the back, a vindictive smile on her lips. She was dressed in a tight skirt which could pass as a belt and a very revealing white tank top. Lets just say, I had watched enough movies and read enough books to know that she was the queen bee not to mention the swarm of followers around her proved my point.

I began to anwser back saying that I didn't have to be white to be British when a girl came to my rescue-

"hey, Katherine just because she wears a scarf dosn't mean that she isn't British, haven't you heard her accent or has your hair spray killed even more of limited brain cells, anyway it doesn't matter what she wears she'll loke better than you any day" every one laughed at that comment, the queen bee now foramally known as Katherine turned red, well as read as could be under the many layers of make up she seemed to have slapped on and scowled obviuosly annoyed that she had got proven wrong.

"alright, love won't you come here we'll treat you right won't we Eve." said the first girl, in a vary bad cockney accent that made me laugh I had a feeling that I was gonna become very close friends with those girls.


After I was settled in my seat and everyone had finished gazing, sorry staring at me, Eve and my saviour who I now called Mia began to introduce themselves. Eve was tall and willlowy, she looked so fragile and like a model I felt dumpy and insuperior next to her though she was quiet she had a heart of gold. Then there was Mia, or more formally known as Amelia but if I ever called her that it would result in her killing me, i got the message. She was the complete opposite of Eve she was curvacious and loud, her style was eccentric and she wasn't afriad to speak her mind, I had a feeling that even though she had her fair share of friends she had also made quite a few enemies along the way. she introduced herself as my "buddy" as childish as that sounded, she told me i could have got left with the queen biatch but she had saved me, something she felt immensly proud of. After looking at our timetables we found that we had two of the six lessons together today, both of thier timetables were the same.

The bell rang and we all began to disperse from the classroom, I however, was rooted to my chair I had no idea where I was going and wasn't sure that Eve and Mia were going let me tag along. Mia, obvioulsy saw my discomfort and hooked her hand in the crook of my elbow and dragged me from my seat almost making me fall and drop everything in my bag some of which I didn't want anyone to see.

"and where do you think your'e gping, or sahll I say sitting. she laughed, amused at her own joke."youv'e got classes to go to and your'e not going to get rid of us that quickly."

I smiled, i was shocked at this girls hospitality, she had just befriended me no questions asked, she didn't ask question about my sacrf, she didn't laugh at me she acted like I was a normal person. She was probably the only person that hadn't stared at me like I was a new specimen that had been dicovered. I let her drag me away, and fied my scarf I could feel it begin to slip off slowly, even though I wore a scarf didn't mean that I liked to look a mess and didn't care about my appearance. side by side the three of us began to walk to geography, I began to get my first taste of American high school.


The day seemed to be going fine, everyone began to avert thier gaze though that might have been the result of the shield always by my side and by shield I mean Mia. For some reason which I couldn't figure out she wanted to be freinds with me and didn't take any crap from any one on my behalf, this I found very flattering. We had fun in lessons, the teachers seemed to be relaxed with me though that might have been for my geek status that I had held in my previous school. Like my old school the classes seem to drag and my only consolence was Mia and Eve throwing me airplane notes not so dicreetly and making jokes about jumping from the window and strangling Mr. White with his paisley tie. All of these might I say were thrown to me when I had to anwser to the teacher, the most I could do was bite my toungue and hold the laughter in. I was having more fun, that I have had in a long time, that was until geography came up.

It was a chilled lesson the teacher was too busy trying to text her boyfriend and not even being discreet about it. We were given the work but we had no intention to do it, about midway through the lesson she left with a eager smile on her face. That was when everybody went crazy, screaming, shouting, kissing and even bitch slapping, I was shocked I felt like I was watching a episode of Eastenders. That was until I got my very own turn in the limelight. Katherine aka queen bee, stood up from her seat and began to walk up to my seat by Mia and Eve, when I say walked I mean strutted- actually strutted with her hips swaying so hard she could have given someone a bruise and her bleach blond hair swaying in its high, tight ponytail just waiting to smack someone in the face.

She stood behind my chair and gifted me with one of her fake barbie smiles, a sign that she was up to something.

"hey zara, how you liking it here? is it what you expected, I mean you already seem to have made some friends" suddelnly her smile began to freeze over and turned cold "now you listen real close, you watch your step, you may have got your own personal bodyguards but that doesn't mean your safe. This is my school and better you know where you stand and one more thing stay away from Antiono he's mine" and witrh those parting owrds she jerked my scarf of my head and left me feeling bare and exposed. From the corner of my eye I could see the class erupting in laughter, I could even see Antonio smirking. My hopes of having a high school experience like any other teenager seemed to have been washed down the drain along with my dignity.

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