“Ash, what’s your number? I need to talk to you later.” Renae asked.

I gave it to her and then they got on the bus. I walked back up to my house.

When I was passing the block of flats near my house, someone called out my name. I turned around and saw Natalie’s best friend Tommy walking up to me. We all used to hang out together. Tommy is like a brother to me but we don’t see each other often. He hugged me quickly.

“Where you been? I was starting to think that you moved out of ends.” He asked.

“Nah I’ve just been really busy with school and other shit that’s been going down.” I replied smiling.

“I heard about your boyfriend. Do you want me to go and beat him up?” He asked.

I laughed and shook my head. Tommy acted like a fool but he was so smart and made sure he got the grades in school. He was meant for greatness – that’s what Natalie always used to say when we were talking about him.

“Tommy you need to get back to your books. That’s what you need to do.” I told him. He grinned at me.

“Alright I’m going but we have to meet up this Saturday. Renae, Nat, you and me; like the old days.” He replied.

I hesitated for a second but then I nodded and smiled. He hugged me quickly before going back into his flat. I walked down to my house.

Renae called me later that evening. “Where you been b?” She asked me straight away.

“In the clouds.” I replied.

“Well couldn’t you holla from the clouds?” She asked.

“Sorry but you have a phone too.” I pointed out.

“I didn’t know whether to call in case you were still pissed off.” She replied quietly.

I knew what she was talking about. We used to be so close and then she decided to steal the guy I liked and then rub it in my face. At the time, I was pissed off but I calmed down after a while because I found out that her parents were going through a divorce at the time and she was having trouble dealing with it.

 “You still a sket Renae?” I asked.

“I was never a sket! I’m not now either. I’m on my work.” She replied.

“Good. I didn’t want you turning out like other people I know.” I told her.

“Tommy wants us all to meet up on Saturday.” She informed me.

“I know; I saw him today.” I replied.

“It’s gonna be weird; the gang meeting up again.” Renae commented.

“I know what you mean.” I agreed.

“We’ve all changed so much since then. We didn’t care about anyone apart from each other.” She continued. Those were the good times when I didn’t worry about my appearance or anything because those three always had my back.

“I’ll see you on Saturday Renae. I have to go now.” I told her. She quickly said bye before I hung up.

15th April:

School was so boring and I wasn’t even taking in anything. I was just reminiscing on the good days with the gang. We were the’ fat pack’ and they were my family. We were all chubby when we were young and we were always together so some people called us the fat pack. We went to the same playgroup before we started primary school and we all lived in the same block of flats. To top it all off, our mums are all Ghanaian so they were good friends as well.

I was on my way home today and I saw Tommy walking with a person who looked very familiar. Tommy spotted me and called me over.

“Ash, this is my friend Carl.” He told me.

“This is my baby sis, Ashley.” He told Carl.

“How do you know Tommy?” I asked Carl. Tommy looked from me to Carl with a confused look on his face.

“Do you guys know each other?” He asked.

“She’s my R’n’B girl.” Carl replied. Tommy raised his eyebrow but stayed silent.

“We’re in the same class.” Carl explained.

“So you don’t go to Darius’ school?” I asked. “No, I only met him through Tasha.” He replied.

“Who the hell is Darius?” Tommy demanded. Natalie clearly hadn't told Tommy Darius' name.

Oh well, it's not like he really needed to know anyway. We weren't together anymore after all

“Don’t you worry Tommy. I’ll see you guys later.” I told them before walking down to my house. I was so confused with my life.

AN: Would really appreciate it if people commented, i feel like im putting up chapters for myself. I don't mind if you're only telling me to continue, please just comment. Nana :)

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