Overwhelming Sadness

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18th March:

I woke up at two o’clock in the afternoon. I brushed my teeth but then I went back into my bedroom. As if it sensed my presence, my phone started to ring. It was Nat.

“Hey Gorgeous! How was the party? Did you get to kiss him?” She asked with an excited voice.

“He has a girlfriend.” I replied. There was a very long silence.

“Are you okay?” She asked quietly.

“Yeah I’m alright. The party was still good so I’m still in a good mood.” I told her.

“My party was a bore. I should’ve scraped in with yours.” Nat replied and I laughed. She locked off soon after to clean the bathroom.

I started to play the Beyonce 4 album and sang along to every song. Then I played the Jennifer Hudson I Remember Me album. I belted out all the notes to these songs. I didn’t care who heard. I was getting all the emotions out through my voice. When I got tired, I went downstairs and had some toast. There was a knock at the door. My mum was at my auntie’s house and Natalie would be having tutor at this time. I looked through the peep hole. It was Darius. I quietly backed away and walked up the stairs. I didn’t want to speak to him.

Later on, I went downstairs and cooked my dinner. It was lasagne. It was pretty good but I was lonely again. Darius had knocked again but I didn’t let him in. I started to feel guilty so I went upstairs to get my phone. I called his phone and it went through.

“Darius’ phone; this is Chloe.” Chloe answered.

“Sorry accidentally called this.” I said quickly before hanging up.

I took out a box from under my bed. It had a lot of things from my childhood that I treasured. I found my old pen knife that I got from cubs. I flicked it open and held it above my wrist. Tears streamed down my face as I started to cut...

AN: i know its short but i'm so tired i can't think!

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