👻 chapter six 👻

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The sleepover with Zach and Keith left Shane with far more questions than it actually answered. For the first time, Shane was actually... doubting what he thought about ghosts? The new revelations left him feeling quite uneasy, so he searched for an explanation. A lot of his time post-sleepover was spent thinking about that night and every time, he wanted so desperately to just believe that it was Keith fucking with him, but there was this little nagging voice in the back of his head saying that maybe it actually was a ghost.

The matter wasn't simplified any by how every time, without fail, Shane thought about the interaction with Ryan, his cheeks went pink. It was such weird concept, a ghost thinking he's cute, but Shane couldn't stop thinking about it to the point where it became obsessive. However, instead of fading as the days passed, the obsession only multiplied to the point where Shane felt uneasy in his own bedroom, since he just couldn't push the thought of Ryan dying in there aside. He needed to know more and fast, for the sake of his sanity above all else

And so began Shane's big, spooky ghost internet spiral. He already knew that ghosts, if any of this was even real to begin with, could be reached with a ouija board. However, Zach took his with him when he left, so it was hardly an option for Shane at first. He consulted website after website, page after page, video after video searching for an option that was do-able. Most of the options only allowed for yes or no questions, but Shane itched to know answers that reached beyond the breadth of those two words. It was only when he had ended up on some obscure website called Magical Mystic Maggie's Guide to the Great Beyond  at two in the morning, that Shane decided that he would be better off just buying a stupid ouija board himself instead of dealing with any of this potions and pendulums nonsense right now.

He made the big leap after school the next day. Instead of coming straight home, as per usual, Shane made a little pit stop at the store in town. Admittedly, he felt a little silly as he, a gangly teenage boy well over six feet tall with limbs that were just too long for his body, stood in the kid's board games section looking for the item in question. However, once he found it and held it in his hands, he couldn't deny the way it felt like something had just clicked into place.

The car ride home was, for lack of a better word, intense. Shane felt hyper aware of the cardboard box sitting in his passenger seat and he glanced at it more times than he could count on both hands. Hands and toes, even. There was something stirring inside of him. Something so vast and complicated that he couldn't begin to try and analyze the feeling, but he knew that he needed to get this thing out of the box as soon as humanly possible.

Waiting for the sun to go down felt like quite possibly the longest hours of Shane's life. He occupied himself with his math homework and lab report for chemistry, but the wait devoured his attention span and left him staring out the window instead of analyzing the effect of bromelain on gelatin. He knew, deep down, that he could take it out of the box whenever he wanted, but something about it being light out just didn't feel organic.

By the time the sun was finally setting, Shane was practically jumping out of his skin. Something compelled him to set the mood, so after some digging, he emerged from his mother's room with as many candles as he could muster. The scene of him scattering them around the room was nearly comical as he precariously balanced them on as many flat surfaces he could find until he was pleased with the glow that was generated by the candles. He took his time unboxing his new toy and arranging it on his bedroom floor. A chill went up his spine as he thought about the board presumably being on the very spot of the murder itself. Finally, he locked the door.

"Oh, god." he mumbled as he turned around. "We're doing this, I guess."


a/n: here it is !!! also i wanna get to know y'all !!! feel free to message me (or whatever, i'm still too sure how this whole wattpad thing works) & we can talk about spooky ghosts and your fav duo of internet ghost hunters

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