👻 chapter five 👻

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 Once Shane had sufficiently wrecked Keith and Zach during their gaming session, he sighed, knowing that the time had finally come. "Do you guys want to do your stupid ouija board thing now?"

The two boys seemed to be a little hesitant, almost a bit scared. Shane just laughed at them. "Surely, you're not actually scared of this ghost or whatever, right?"

"No!" Keith interjected, "We aren't scared. We're just-"

"My mom told me never to play with a ouija board," Zach said.

Shane looked puzzled. "It's just a piece of plastic, Zach. I'm sure if there really were ghosts, they'd probably demand more than just some dumb gimmicky kid's toy to talk to us. C'mon, dude. I'll light a candle, you guys turn off the lights. If we're going to play your game, then we're going to do it right."

The boys followed directions and suddenly, there they were, sitting in a circle around a ouija board on the floor with the candles burning to provide the only source of light in the room. It kinda reminded Shane of the movie Hocus Pocus. He loved that movie.

"Okay, so do we just put our fingers on the planchette and wait for it to move?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Keith said.

The boys all put their fingers on the white planchette. Shane thought this was all pretty cult-y for a game where someone just pretends they aren't moving the planchette so the others get freaked out. But just out of curiosity's sake, he decided he wasn't going to mess with it. He was just going to let the 'spirits' lead the way, but he doubted it would actually move at all this way.

To his surprise, the planchette did begin to move until it landed on the 'hello' marking on the upper left corner of the board. The boys all looked at each other, surprised at the movement.

"Did you move it?" Shane asked both of them.

They both shook their heads. "No," Zach stated, "Maybe we should ask it questions now?"

"I'll go first." Keith said, "Uh, hello? My name is Keith. Do you have a name?"

The planchette began to move once again until it landed on the 'yes' marking.

"What is your name?" Zach asked. The planchette was still. He asked the question again, quieter this time.

The planchette finally began to move.


The boys looked up at each other once again, expressions of shock and surprise on their faces. "Fuck you," Shane said, "Once of you assholes is moving it."

"We aren't, I swear!" Keith pleaded. "Let's ask it another. Shane, your turn."

"Uh, hi. Ghost. Spirit. Whatever. Did you, uh. Did you die in this house?"

The planchette slowly moved over the 'yes' marking.

Shane took a deep breath. "Were you murdered here?"

The planchette moved slightly before returning to the 'yes' marking.

Zach looked up at the other boys before he asked his question. "What room were you killed in, Ryan?"


Shane, despite firmly not believing what was going on, couldn't help but feel the heavy weight of anxiety settle into his stomach. He had pondered the morbid question so much that potentially having an answer to it left him feeling very, very unsettled. Knowing that there was a possibility that Ryan could have been murdered in the very room he slept in was enough to shake even the most stubborn skeptic.

"Is there anything else you would like us to know?" Keith asked.

The planchette stalled briefly before it began to spell out a word.


Shane heard a gasp, although he wasn't sure who it came from. His cheeks felt hot as the other two boys seemed to burn holes in him with their stares.

"What about Shane?" Zach asked.



a/n: thank you so much for reading!!! these past two chapters were really fun for me to write, so i hope you all enjoy them!!! :^)

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