tre propose

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Tre: today I am propose to Chrissy today I been with her for  over 2 months now  and I am  happy with her and she is happy with me and that is all that matter I love her kids like mine own even tho she just had  my two twin boys but anywayyy let get it man!
Chrissy:so I was coming from work when I saw rose pedals on the floor going all the way upstairs to me and Tre room when I look there is rose pedals that shaped like a heart on the bed and some candles on the bed then I saw Tre come up to and hug and kiss me I had to ask what is going on cause this the same malak did for me when he told me he was cheating. Yeah Tre what is this for
Tre: u know u been together for 2 months rite and I was feeling like I should be with u forever I love u and the kids can I just say Chrissy lovely raylnn Perez Gomez  would u marry me
Chrissy: i-i-yes I would marry u
Tre: I picked her up and spin around and around and kiss her today was a perfect day I love my fiancé.... 

tre brooks storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz