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So me and  princess  are In  my room and we here mom and dad arguing  i don't know. Why they are arguing but its really annoying that they arguing every single day.
Chrissy.POV  I Can't stand this man he is always cheating on me. With this girl   I am. So tired.
Malak POV I can't believe  she excused me of cheating on her I would never cheat on her ever.
   Chrissy. Malak! U are lying  u are cheating on me with the girl mekalya   she even text your phone last night talking about u are a good  boy who I hope your fiancé. Don't find  out. Like fr  u going to sit  in my face  and lie   like that. like   I am done malak I gave u to many chances this was your last one so yea get your stuff in go please .
Malak. So u really kicking me out like your done done o OK well can I tell my kids bye
Chrissy. Yep yes u can. Heavenly princess queen malakjr 
All. Yea OK
Chrissy. Come
All. Wassup
Chrissy your dad is leaving some wanted to say bye. All. OK bye dad
Malak. Bye kids see you later
Chrissy. Kids go back up. OK well bye malak. Bye

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