3. MEETING HER.........

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Hello All my Lovely Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for Being late this time

But here's the chapter, hope you enjoy reading it.........

Dev dug inside his blazer pocket to find his phone......................alas he realized he had left it at home in his hurry to leave Dixit Mansion as soon as possible to avoid any altercation with his over-possessive mother. Instructing his driver to turn the car back to his mansion, he drove off back again to his never ending thoughts.........................thoughts of his Sonakshi which never failed to haunt him in these past 6 years..............................as the car came to a jolting halt he realized that he had reached home................................getting down from the car he headed straight to his room only to stop dead in his tracks as he passed by his mother's room on his way......................................his mother and mamiji were discussing some scenario which took place at the mall that his mother had visited along with Nikki this morning............................................he heard his mother mention about a particular person she had spotted at the mall......................wait were they talking about his Sonakshi????

"bhabhi........i saw her today at the mall, the same charm and beauty which had caused my Dev to get attracted towards her....................she's back in town but I don' know why I'm dreading something very bad this time...................out of all the places she had to come back to Delhi.........................when I clearly remember being told that she had shifted her base to Mumbai permanently.......................if so was the case then what is she doing here?????????...............................she must have surely come to snatch my Dev away from me once again.........................why does she not let me live in peace with my son........................why does she always have to come in between me and Dev??", barked Ishwari, very much agitated at "her" presence around her in the same city.

"hai hai jiji, why didn't you confront her.......................you should have directly questioned her the purpose of her visit to the city............................you better be careful this time jiji..............or else it won't take long for Dev to slip out of your hold, once again.........", advised a venom spitting Radharani.

"no bhabhi this time I won't let it happen...................and I should not worry much because she's married now.......................yes bhabhi I did see a mangalsutra round her neck and sindoor smeared in her hair parting.......................looks like she has caught some big prey this time............................she seemed to be all decked up like a royal princess......................and yes how can I forget, she had a small child with her too for whom she was so engrossed in shopping that she failed to notice me standing right behind her", Ishwari assured herself and Radharani.

Dev who was all this while waiting outside the room listening to their conversation couldn't believe that his mother could talk so much ill about someone whom he had loved immensely 6 years back and who still continued to rule his heart despite their ugly break-up. But amongst all the weird things happening around him one thing that grabbed his attention was that his Sona was back to Delhi. He wanted to see her once.....................to meet her......................to ensure that she's alright.

He quietly made way to his room to pick up his phone and was back to his car in no time................he dialed a number and was updated with the whereabouts of Sonakshi............he called up his secretary Tina and asked her to put all his meetings on hold for a day as he had the impending task of meeting up with her........................the love of his life Sonakshi..............................he wondered how she would react to see him, will she be as elated as he was or will she feel bad about it.........................he informed his driver to take him to the place where Sonakshi resided with her son Ansh as she had come down to Delhi for a weeklong trip.

Getting down from his car he entered the plush society and headed straight to the elevator which took him to the 6th floor where Sona was residing currently.......................his heart pounded as he moved with steady steps towards her flat, gathering his courage he rang the bell hoping it would be her who would open up the door for him.....................................the door clicked open and there stood Sona , still looking like a princess, even after so many years, amazed and angry at his sudden visit to her personal space yet again.......................

Before she could say anything, a male voice was heard from inside the house, "who is it Sona?whats taking you so long at the door?either let the person in or close the door and come inside...........", Sona was scared at the voice and so was Dev, they were so numb that hardly either of them could move an inch from their place, they stood rooted to the spot frozen as the noise of the arriving steps grew louder with each passing second.

Ok...........hope you guys liked it!!!!!!!!!!!

The next update will be after 25 Votes!!!!!!!!!

So keep reading and keep voting.............

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