Wait And See

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As I sat there by the fireplace, staring into the flames I hear my sister Mabel's voice.

"Dear brother, what do you think of my new dress?" I look up to my sister, and gave her my answer.

"Its nice..." she gives me an annoyed look.

"You didn't even see a difference did you?" she asked me angry.

"Correct." I look away from her and back into the fire. Now you're probably wondering who I am. My name is Dipper Gleeful, the girl who just asked me a dumb question, is my twin sister Mabel. Mabel and I are performers in the sleepy town of Gravity Falls. But you see, Mabel and I have ways getting the town to loves us besides just doing shows and acts. But that's our little secret. You see, both Mabel and I have magic amulets that makes us have the power to pick objects up with magic. It always wows the crowds at our shows.

"Dear brother, do you not think that I should wear it?" I heard my sister once more.

"I never said that", I say not even looking at her, "I just don't see a difference."

"Whatever you say." Mabel then grand a knife with her amulet, and throws it at our slave Will Cipher, who we always have chained up in the corner for target practice.

"Mabel, you've been throwing knifes at Will all day, maybe you should give him a break." she shoots me an evil glare, and I sigh.

"Whatever, anyway sister, I'm heading into town for a few things." I tell her getting up from my chair.

"What exactly are you planning on getting?" Mabel asked me, raising her eyebrow.

"Just a few things we need for our next show." Mabel just turned away from me and back at Will.

"Be back soon, I don't want you gone for long, besides it's always the same boring people around town." I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"The town loves us Mabel, let's keep it that way." I then leave the house and go into town. As I walk down the sidewalk, I look around the outside of the stores, looking for the one that can be useful to me. Because of this though, I bump into someone.


I get up rubbing my head in pain. My pain then turns to anger as I turn to the person who bumped into me.

"Hey! Watch where...." I stop when I get a good look at the person I hit. It was a redheaded female, with a black stitched heart jacket. Pierces in her ears, and some highlights in her hair. She rubs her head and looks up at me.

"Dang it kid! Watch it!" I wanted to shout back at her, but something prevented me from doing so. I just get up and offer her a hand. She doesn't take it at first, but after a moment she takes my hand, and I pull her up from the ground.

"Terribly sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I apologize. She just nodded. She then looks at me head to toe before speaking again.

"Hey, you're one of those magic kids right?" I nodded at her.

"Dipper Gleeful, at your serves." I give her a bow.


"Very nice to meet you, Wendy." I take her hand and kiss it. I always do this when meeting a younge lady, it's how I was taught. I look up at her, and smirk, seeing her blush slightly.

"Uh yeah, nice meeting you too, I guess."

"So are you new in town? I don't believe I've seen you around here before." I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm not new, I've lived here for most of my life. I just don't come out very much." I nodded.

"Is that I never see you at any of my shows?"

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