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~ 1 month later ~

Marshall and I had left the chaos behind us and moved on. I gotta admit I still had my moments where I'd get mad at him or Kim, but I pushed it in the back of my mind. I'd forgiven both of them and I wanted to stick to my word, close the chapter and never bring it up again. Was it easy?? -Hell no. The two have such a long history together, with a shitload of ups and downs which automatically makes you hold on to the other more. And then they have the girls.....
It was hard for me to see them together, because now I had the constant fear that what they've done would happen again or worse, that Marshall would leave me. I knew that he loves me veeeeeeery much, but still what would happen if Kim would suddenly start to fight to get him back?! I honestly didn't know if he would turn her down.....

Today was October 16th and tomorrow my fiancée would turn 40 years old. His last birthday we hadn't celebrated together because we had; well he had, broken up due to the Robyn trouble so this year I was the one planning the whole thing. The complete past week I'd talked back and forth with the girls because they'd offered to help. Also Kim and Ashley and also Nate had secretly came over to the house to plan the party. I know it would be a party in the middle of the week, but you only get 40 once, so fuck what day it is and celebrate.

We had invited everyone we could think of from D12 with their +1s, Yela, Slaughterhouse, Curtis along G-Unit, for sure Dre and Nicole, Paul and Allison, Marc (his tourmanager) with his wife, Snoop, Skylar, Lil Wayne, Kendrick, Big Sean, Trick, a few people from Shade45.... the list was looooong.
Also after I'd put a lot of thought in a gift for my fiancée, I'd asked each of the rappers and Skylar for sure, to write something for Marshall and record it, so I had a unique gift for him. Thankfully they all had agreed immediately and so I only had to wait for the last gift to be delivered. I knew that Marshall really liked watches and so I'd called Rolex and let them design a watch only for my man. Marshall would go to work tomorrow, means we had the whole morning to transform our home; with the help of a catering company and decoraters, into a birthday party location. We all had promised Marshall to not make a big fuss and that's why we had to do everything secretly.

It was exactly midnight and I'd tortured myself to stay awake while my love was deeply asleep beside me, when I'd literally jumped on him to wake him up.
"Wh.....what....Tina?" He stammered out when his eyes had shot open and I hugged him tightly and placed kisses all over his face.
"Happy happy haaaaaappy birthday love of my life." I wished him and a wide smile appeared on his face. "I wish you all the best and that you'll get at least 200 years old so I can spend a long life with you." He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a long kiss on my lips.
"Thank you gorgeous! But if you wake me up like that every year, there'll be no fuckin' chance I'll get this old, I'll die on a fuckin' heart attack." I chuckled and kissed the tip of his nose.
"You want your first present now?" I asked and he raised one eyebrow and smirked.
"Well the others will be delivered later." I answered and he kissed me again.
"Tina, I have everything I ever wanted. My daughters, a secured life, a family and a dream of a woman at my side. I don't need presents."

Ugh.....he can be so damn cute.....

"Well then I'll give them back..." I suggested joking and he shook his head.
"Nah, show me." He ordered and I climbed off him, pulled open the drawer on my nightstand and handed him my first present.
Marshall had given me for the first birthday I'd celebrated with him a picture of the both of us which was taken at the zoo in Belfast, so I thought I should give him one too. Only that the pic he was getting from me, was taken much earlier, at the first time we went out together to be exact. It was taken at the barbecue, where Marshall had taken me to meet the others for the first time. Royce had taken the picture without the both of us knowing, we were standing beside each other and my now fiancée had wrapped his arm around me. While I was talking to someone beside me; who you couldn't see, Marshall was looking at me with a half smile on his face. I'd loved the pic from the second I'd seen it and now I wanted him to have it.

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