Quality time....

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Marshall and I had went straight home; he didn't even give me time to say 'bye' to Royce, but I knew my friend would understand it. He had been my hold during the past days and I can't tell how thankful I was for that. It was partially his merit that Marshall and I had gotten back together that fast.

After 2 days of crying and sulking I had already realized that sooner or later I would forgive him again; I loved him way too much to be without him and that everything I'd said to him was in the heat of the moment. When Royce had seen that I'd stopped my 'eyes-out-bawling' he sat down with me and told me what had happened and what he'd heard at my home. He also told me that he'd advised Marshall to give me time and that I should use it until I would be 1000% sure what I wanted to do.

And that was exactly what I did....

I spent my days in Royce's backyard, mostly thinking about Marshall and our future and when Royce came back from work and brought the first note and I felt my heart aching terribly for him, I had started to put my mind on forgiving him.......and also Kim.
I had to forgive both of them, simply for the fact that we are a family. They were both guilty and it would've put a dent in our family relations if I'd forgive one and not the other, so for the sake of our future I started my process.

During the whole drive home Marshall hadn't said one word, only held my hand tightly in his. I was so shocked when I'd seen him after only 9 days, stepping into his office and once again I was thankful for my ability to forgive someone I love. He looked indescribable broken and hearing his voice and his words made me unspeakably sad. I never thought he would suffer so horribly from losing me and after I'd seen it with my own eyes, I swore myself; that no matter what he would do, as long as I knew that he loves me I would never leave him again.

"It maybe looks a lil chaotic..." he warned me when we walked up the few steps to our home and he unlocked the front door. He wasn't exaggerating. The first I saw was the small shoe rack in the foyer; where normally our 'often worn' shoes were standing on, which was shattered in pieces. I glanced shortly at Marshall who watched me intensely while chewing on his bottom lip.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" I asked him with a soft voice and he shrugged. "Maybe later?" I asked on and he nodded.

Oh Marshall those things are all replaceable....

I took his hand in mine and squeezed it once to let him know that I'm here and went into with him into our living room.

Okay, that I didn't expect.....

To be honest I had to keep myself from clutching my hand over my mouth, widen my eyes and gasp loud. The splitters of the vase I'd thrown at the wall were still laying on the ground, he only had pushed them somehow aside.

Why was I so dumb?!?! He could've hurt himself.....

Everywhere were standing empty; at least I thought they are, cans of Red Bull and Diet Coke bottles and then and that was the most painful part, the picture of us that he had given me to my birthday was laying on his pillow on the couch.
"You slept here?" I asked him when I'd turned around to face him and he nodded.
"I couldn't sleep in the bed without you by my side." He admitted quietly and to prevent him and me from crying, I pulled him in my arms and held him tightly.
"You'll never sleep alone anymore, I promise." I told him sincerely and pressed a long kiss on his cheek for reassurance. I honestly hated myself for leaving him like this. I know what he had done was terrible and he probably had deserved that I would never come back again, but I loved this man and I'd left him suffering.

"I'm really sorry Tina..." he started again to apologize and I removed my hands off his back, cupped his face and pulled my head back to look into his eyes.
"Stop it, right there. I forgave you and I'm here, I'm back and I'll never leave you again." I assured him again seriously and he nodded slowly before I kissed him. His arms were already curled around me, but now he was tightening them and was heavily breathing through his nose while my lips didn't leave his. He was so desperate and it hurted physically to see him like this. "Babe, why don't you sit down a bit and I'll clean up?!" I suggested after I'd reluctantly ended the kiss and he shrugged. He was tired and worn out, I could clearly see it, but I also knew; from the way he was holding me, that he didn't want to let me go and so I added on. "And when I'm finished I'll change and then we can maybe watch a movie and order something to eat?!" I smiled a little at him but he still didn't want to give in and so I said the one thing that I hadn't told him since 9 days. "I love you Marshall." His eyes started to tear up immediately and I kissed him again to keep these damn tears in his blue eyes.
"I love you too." He told me and finally I managed to get a small smile.
"C'mon babe, sit down and I'll take care of everything." I tried again and this time he nodded, released me and plopped down on the couch.

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