Chapter Two: Lost and Found

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I couldn't believe my senses. It's impossible but there was no other explanation. A witch was here. That's not possible, witches were driven to near extinction. There have of course been rumours that witches diluted their blood over the centuries so that we can't sniff them out. I never dreamed they were true. If they are true then what else is. What if the witch who was in here was the key to breaking the curse. Clay would want them dead at all costs.
"He can never know." I said.
"Excuse me" the barista said.
I startled and then realised I had been talking out loud rather than in my head. I apologised and went to sit down.

I have to find that witch. Her scent is still strong. I could go after them now. I left my tea untouched and left to hunt down the smell. It was never easy hunting things down by smell because smells fade away over time. Also it's hard to keep the secret if humans constantly see you sniffing around in public. They would probably think I was crazy. Maybe they're right.

Suddenly, I froze. I can hear foot steps coming closer and closer. I tensed up, ready to rip the offender's throat out but when I turned around, there was no one there. I looked at every hideout available and found nothing. Whatever it was can move fast.

Probably one of Clay's pack. Clay is the leader of my werewolf pack. Well, that was before I got kicked out of his precious pack. If there was a witch around and Clay's here, that's not good.

It all started about 500 years ago in a small village. A serial killer came to the village and murdered 6 young women. As he was about to cut open the seventh victim, he was caught. However, this wasn't an ordinary village. It was a coven. The Elders decided that the best punishment for the killer was to cursed him. So that he could feel the pain of all his victims for eternity. This seemed to be the perfect form of revenge but every witch will tell you, all magic comes with a price. Especially a spell that dark. The killer became a werewolf and massacred the entire village in one night. Some managed to escape but the werewolves have been tracking them down for years. We can track them so clearly because their blood was used to create us. So in a twisted way we're all connected.
"One big happy family." I laughed. In a way the witches damned us all.


I looked at my clock on the cabinet next to my bed. Oh God, it's 2 o'clock in the morning. Cursing to myself, I tried to get back to sleep but the dream that woke me up seemed so real. Lucas from the coffee shop was in it but he was warning me about something. His voice kept on getting quieter and quieter until I couldn't hear him anymore. As I ran to him, the floor underneath me started to burn and I started falling. Then I woke up. There was no point in making any sense of it. Most of my dreams tend to be nonsense anyway. I'm more annoyed that I can't get back to sleep because I have to get up for school in 5 hours. I rolled over on to my right side and wondered whether or not I should of got that guy's number. With that thought in mind, I fell back to sleep.


"All of these houses look the same." I grumbled. The scent was still noticeable but not for much longer. I just hope that Clay isn't following me. I stopped outside a house where the smell seemed to be at it's strongest. I have to warn them at least. If I'm here then Clay will have some of his pack here too. Even though I was kicked out of his pack, he won't leave me alone. He doesn't trust me and the feelings are mutual.

A light breeze brushed passed me and I made an involuntary shiver. It's now or never. I started to open the gate but as soon as my hand touched the gate, an electric current shot through my body and blew me backwards into the gate of the house opposite. Everything hurts. I disentangled myself from the gate and looked at the house. Witchcraft, I was right. There are witches here and it looks like they can protect themselves.

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