"He proposed to you."

He did.


Imagine #2

Spider-Man balloons, check. Inflatable bouncy house, check. Thirty plus kids running around my house with little to no adult supervision besides myself and one other person, check. Everything seemed to be going smooth for the time being.

My baby, Trey looked like the definition of ecstatic as he ran around the oddly shaped circle of kids, tapping heads until he decided which one would be the goose. Taking a closer glance, I spotted the chunks of cookie crumbs and chocolate smudges on his face – and although with any other day, I would've gone all 'Mommy-Mode' with my baby wipes, I wanted to make his fifth birthday special this year. Because I know somewhere down the road today, alligator tears will soon fill those joyful eyes when he realizes his daddy couldn't make it.

Yes, his father and my ex-husband of two years, Keith isn't able to make it to his only child's birthday party, due to his promises that he made to his fiancée. Pissed doesn't even come close to how I feel, but I knew problems such as these would arise one day or another.

"Girl, I don't know how you did all this by yourself," my friend Gina commented while joining me in the kitchen. Her voice was rugged and tired out from playing freeze tag in the backyard.

I smiled, "Me neither. Luck is just on my side today, I guess. The cake got delivered on time, all of Trey's friends showed up, and no one has had a major boo-boo yet. I don't want to jinx it, but I think this is the best party I've thrown for him."

Given the fact that last year, Keith thought it would be a brilliant idea to hire a clown to a four-year old's birthday party. We argued for a good four weeks before his actual birthday, yet once the time came I just had to cave into those brown puppy dog eyes of his. As soon on Trey saw the big scary man in drag makeup, yes drag not regular clown style, a fluffy red afro with gum stuck at the hairline, and an all-white clown suit with a ketchup stain, my son peed his pants and screamed bloody murder.

The long-awaited "I told you so," couldn't come fast enough as Keith explained to all the parents why the party had been cancelled after ten minutes of just being started.

"I still can't believe that jackass had the nerve to put that fiancée of his before his son. Just so they can stuff their faces with cake and wine for their wedding reception. Honey, I know for a God-given fact that if I was you, both of my feet would've been lost so far up they asses that even Jesus himself wouldn't be able to pull them out."

That is why Gina is my best friend.


Imagine #3

The throbbing beats pulsating from the back of his head brought him out of the deep reverie that had him asleep for a good twelve hours. Heavy silk sheets covered his naked torso all the way to his ankles, while the other half seemed to be bunched up on the other side of the queen-sized bed – shielding another body.

Confused and hungover, he took a double take before remembering the face that was snuggled in the crook of his neck. Her soft breaths along with the feel of her lips grazing his skin was enough to produce a growing erection that stood proud as it poked into the young woman's side.

"What happened," he groaned, closing his eyes to rid himself of the scene that was taking place in front of him, hoping it would all just disappear.

He had a wife, and this woman wasn't her.

"We fucked," the feminine voice yawned in content, discovering the reaction he had from her on the right side of her hip, "and it seems as though you want more."

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