Just another Bad day - Lewis Hamilton

Start from the beginning

"Babe? What's wrong? Are you crying? Where are you?!" Lewis asks in distress. "Baby girl please, tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm a mess!" I whisper sobbing low. "I never do things correctly, this is stupid!"

"Baby don't say that. You are the most intelligent woman I know and I love you so much. Tell me are you home? Please I want to see you!" He begs.

"You don't need to, I'm going to be fine."

"No you're not!" I hear some sounds on the other side of the line. "Don't hang up. I don't wanna leave you alone, "


"Come on, let me sing for you!" I shake my head rolling my eyes side smiling. "Don't roll your eyes young lady, I know you did it." He says and hums a song.

His single voice made me smile, even though I was still crying. I know he was busy, but I wish he was right here right now. His hug was everything I needed, but I couldn't tell him this, I don't like to make him choose between me and his work, because I'm sure his work comes first as it should.

"Baby girl, ur still there?" I hum. "Good, I want you to tell me what you want and what you need right now?"

"I want to sleep!" I sob low and I could imagine him shaking his head.

"You know that I know when you're lying right?"

"I'm not lying!" He sighs. "Lew please."

"I'm begging baby girl. Tell me what do you want?"

"Chocolate..." I lied.

"And?" He asks curiously amused.

"Warm temperature."


"You!" I finally say and his sigh was deeper.

"Oh Baby girl!"

"I know you're working and you're busy and all this stuff that's why I didn't want to tell you. This is frustrating."

"I'm so sorry beautiful, I really am. But tell me, what would you like me to do to you baby girl!" He whispers and I could feel something like a small flame burning inside of me... I absolutely love when he calls me baby girl and I love when he's so him with me.

"I would like you to kiss me, hug me, tell me beautiful things..."

"And?" He whispers...

"Make love to me! Slowly, loving. Just make me forget everything, take me to cloud nine that's what I want. I want you to call me yours, I want to forget this week and specially this day. But since it's not possible I'm just going to sleep and try to dream about you." I sniff " You know what, we talk later, maybe I'm just bothering you."


"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I say and hang up feeling like shit.
Bothering my busy boyfriend with my problems is the last thing I wish, I know how much he loves his job.

I lay again on my bed trying to sleep but having no success.
My mind was blank, the only thing I was thinking about again was the exam. It was probably 20 minutes later when I hear the door click indicating that someone just arrived. Some keys were thrown on the table with other things. I was so tired that I didn't bother myself to walk and see who it was because it could be either my mum visiting, or my brother arriving from work.

The door slowly opens, revealing the most handsome man I've known. The one I love the most. His smile slowly faded when he saw me. The worry and sadness palpable in his eyes.

"Oh, my baby girl!" He breaths sitting near me while rubbing my arm.

"You're here!" I sob now smiling. I was relieved to have him with me because that's what I needed the most.

"I told you not to hang up sugar. You are my number one priority and I'll always have time for you. And to be honest I was worried about you because you were just pushing yourself to the limit and we both know how you can lose your control when you do that. Now I wanna know!" He says removing his shoes and his socks. "What happened? Can you please tell me now?"

"The exam!" I sigh sitting down in front of him him doing the same to face me frontally. "This week was the most awful you can imagine. I slept less than 3 hours, I eat only once a day, yesterday I didn't even sleep to do the last exam and it was worst than horse shit I swear!" He shook his head. He side smiled analysing my face. "I look horrible. My eyes are red and puffy, I broke my glasses, my face looks like a tyre with a puncture, my mind is so heavy right now, this is like taking Roscoe and Coco for a walk inside my brain!"

"You Still look beautiful my babe, you're just too tired, mentally and physically with all the reasons. You have to remind yourself that you gave your best and that's what really matters. Failing it's part of learning. If you fail it's going to teach you to do better next time. Even if you need to redo this exam you're going to pass it like it's nothing and that's because you're amazing. And I'm sure you're not going to redo it because it probably went okay. Trust yourself baby girl, don't be so insecure about your greatness! Just remember that you're marvelously unique YN, I still don't have enough words to describe how amazing you are, and how lucky I am to be here with you."

"Aren't you disappointed at me?"

"Disappointed? What about? You only give me reasons to be proud, you make me feel safe. You make me go the bed and think Wow is it real to feel this happy? How can I love her like this everyday, YN. I don't only want you, I also Need you and now this is like an issue, I need you to be okay. This means that I will always do everything for you. You're sad? I'm sad! You're mad? I'm mad! You're happy? I'm very happy! And I will do always my best to be there when you need me the most my love." He says and I just jump on his lap making him giggle low.

"I love you!"

"I live you!" He answers holding me tight. Our lips find the way to each other letting our emotions speak louder. I always loved how he could be loving but his hands were so intense, his touch, his grip was sensual and firm. "I believe that you wanted me to do somethings, to you am I wrong?" He smiles kissing my neck.

"Did I? And what was that?" I smile when he stares and analyses my face.

"Let's see if I can remind you."

And there was his gorgeous smile.
He kisses my cheek slowly leaving trails follow the path to  my neck. His hands were roaming curiously and softly massaging my back muscles, releasing some tension from my shoulders. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed his warm now a bit red lips who always give me the same electricity everyday. It's the same urge, uncontrollable heat, unforgiving control, as he lays my back on the bed not parting his lips from mine. When our lips part I can't avoid keeping my eyes closed still feeling all those strong things inside me.

"I wanna cuddle you so hard right now!" He whispers watching my eyes shut tight, my lips twitching in a smile.

"Do it, please do it."

"I thought you wanted me to make love to you!"

"We can do that later!" He chuckles

"Such an indecisive young lady. Come here!" He lays behind but I turn around to face his chest. His one and only scent always giving me that good sensation, his hands holding me tight, his lips on my temple, him, just him... that was everything I needed.

"I love you!" I whisper with my eyes closed. "I love you so much."

"I love you much more baby girl. Now sleep, sleep peacefully because we're going to have a long night to make you forget this horrible day, and week!" He sides smiles making me look at him. He kisses my nose and my temple and then hugs me tighter. And I couldn't feel much better!!!!


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