"Is it normal for someone who is paralyzed to be able to move around during sex?" I asked randomly.

Liv frowned. "Um, I'm not sure. Maybe. Depends on how much passion is put into the sex. Sometimes enough passion can provoke movement and the paralyzed person won't know it." She said.

"I'm only asking because she was moving her hips and legs against me, but then afterward she was back to not being able to move." I said softly, running a hand through my hair.

"That'll happen. It'll be a spir of the moment thing but she won't know she's doing it. She may have a problem with the nerves in her spine and legs." Liv said, she sighed, running her hand through her blonde hair.

I nodded my head, before an idea popped into it. "Would you say sex and maybe moving her legs along with physical therapy will help her gain function?"

"Maybe, but I don't recommend the sex, it could make her worse." Live said.

I bit my lip and shifted in my chair. "I've always been fascinated with the human body, how things work, how they break, ways you can fix them." I said slowly, my eyes widening in excitement. "How it would feel to have someone's life in your hands."

"Maybe you should get into doctoring or nursing, if it's interesting for you." Liv suggested.

"Oh, no I wouldn't be a good doctor or nurse." I whispered my excitement vanishing and my mood immediately darkening, I'm not even sure I'm a good mom.

"Oh come on, you'd be a great nurse or doctor. I never thought I'd like it, my dad made me do it, but I love it. You should give it a go." Liv smiled.

I looked down at my hands, playing with my fingers. "I don't think someone who was addicted to drugs and alcohol is fit to be a nurse or doctor." Lifting my head I look back up at her. "I barely see myself as a good enough mother and now I have a baby on the way. What if I screw him or her up?"

"You'd make a great doctor or nurse, doesn't matter what you've been through. You won't screw up with your kid, your a great mom." Liv said. She looked at Lucas.

At that moment the door opened.

"Liv, can I speak to you outside?" A brunette woman asks, a sad expression her her face.

My heart stops, what could possibly be wrong? Was it Lauren? Was it Mr. and Mrs. Vives?

Liv looked at her suspiciously. "Em, yeah." She said, getting up off the chair and walking out of the room, the door closing behind her.

I turned my attention toward Lucas, running my hand through his hair.

"Mama?" He whispered out his voice cracking.

"I'm right here baby." I said softly, sliding my hand down to caress his cheek.

"Nana and papaw got hurted." He said, opening his beautiful brown eyes for me to see.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath. "I know baby."

Tears began streaming down his cheeks. "Mama, it hurts." He cried.

I couldn't fight my own tears as I very gently lifted him into my arms, rocking his small body and rubbing his back. "Mama, knows baby. I've got you." I whispered soothingly into his ear.

"Mama sing?" He cried out in a question.

"For you, always." I whispered in his ear, holding him close, as I began to sing.

I heard the door to the room open, but ignored it as I sang to him. Rubbing his back and rocking him until his breathing evened out and he was back asleep.

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