Chapter One

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The sound of the doorbell ringing was heard throughout the entirety of our two story house and as soon as it reached my ears I ran towards the front entrance.

Today was a pretty exciting day. Less for myself and more for my sister, but exciting nonetheless.

Because my sister's boyfriend was coming over for dinner for the first time.

Even though my sister Ava and I are pretty close, being twins and all, I still haven't had the chance to meet him. The only thing I knew about him, was that he attends the same school.

My excitement for all of this might've been a bit weird, but I love my sister and I only wanted the best for her. I was also dying to see him. I'm a very nosy and curious person.

My hand reached the door handle before Ava even made it down the stairs and she gave me an annoyed eye roll as I opened the door.

Ava was now standing beside me and I could vaguely register my parents footsteps behind me as I opened the door to reveal the mysterious person my sister has been dating for the past month or so.

He was taller than I was. That's the first thing I thought when I saw him in front of me, I also vaguely recognized him from school. His hair was black and his eyes a light brown color. A strong jaw and broad shoulders gave him kind of an intimidating appearance, but a shy smile was planted on his lips.

I held my hand out for a handshake as I took in his outfit, which consisted of a dark grey button up long sleeve shirt and black jeans with a pair of brown dress shoes at the bottom. I noticed him wiping his hand down on his jeans before shaking my hand and I had to grin.

He looked so sturdy and masculine but he was so nervous. Ava got herself a good one.

"Hi. I'm Daniel. Ava's twin brother." I said, trying not to wince at the strong hold he had on my hand.

"Eric. Nice to meet you." He let go of my hand and I stepped aside, letting him in.

I gave my sister a thumbs up while Eric made his way over to our parents who were standing at the bottom of the staircase.

Ava waved me off and went over to her boyfriend, hugging him as a greeting. He kissed her head while holding her in her arms and I almost fainted at the cuteness.

I wanted something like that as well, but finding a boy willing to date another boy was not easy. And even if I did find someone, who knows if I'll like them.

I closed the front door and all of us made our way to the living room, sitting down on the couch. My parents walked straight into the dining room to lay out the plates and food and told us to wait. Obviously giving Eric some time to calm his nerves. He started running his palms down his jeans as soon as he sat down.

Ava took his hands in hers. "Why are you so nervous?" She asked him with an amused tone in her voice.

"You know I've never had a serious girlfriend before. You're the first girl I truly fell in love with." He whispered the last part but it was loud enough for me to hear. I didn't know whether I should gag or 'aw' at that statement but decided to not react at all, giving them some privacy.

I guess I could understand his nerves. I would probably be shitting myself if someone ever introduced me to their parents as their boyfriend. So much pressure and so many expectations, especially if you were serious about the relationship. I sighed inwardly. I doubt it'll ever happen to me anyways.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone nudging my leg. I looked over to my sister and a much calmer Eric now, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"What?" I asked Ava, who was wearing a big smirk on her face.

"Stop eyeing my boyfriend. I know he's hot but he's taken and not gay, Dan."

I almost choked on my own spit.

"I just spaced out! I wasn't staring at him! Why would I even do that?! He's your boyfriend, that's creepy."

Ava just shrugged and Eric looked between the two of us. I guess she hasn't brought it up to him before.

"I'm gay. In case you didn't figure that out by yourself."

"You are?" He asked me, genuinely sounding surprised.

"I am. I won't try anything though, so don't worry."

"I didn't think you would." He reassured and I was slightly glad that he didn't seem homophobic. My sister would've dumped his ass if he was.

I heard him mutter something underneath his breath and I squinted my eyes.

"What was that?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Nothing." He shrugged and I was about to say something else but my parents came into the room to inform us that we could eat now.

We all sat down at our dinner table, mom and dad opposite of Ava and Eric and me at the head of the table.

We all helped ourselves to our servings and my parents started to ask Eric a bunch of questions. Most of them about school, how they met and if he knew what he wanted to do after senior year was over.

Eric turned out to be some super genius, saying he was in all the academic classes and that he wants to go to college to become a surgeon. Quite a career he's going for. I wonder if my sister would be okay with dating a surgeon.

During dinner I also found out that Eric plays basketball which immediately made me like him more. My parents also seemed pretty pleased with all of his answers. It's not like he really needed to impress them though. They were pretty laid back. They didn't even bat an eyelash when I came out to them. They raised me and my sister to be very open minded and after I came out to them I never really cared about anyone else's opinion. Their acceptance was all I needed. But I've been fortunate enough to always have had friends who were accepting of my sexual orientation.

Eric left pretty much right after we finished eating and we all said our goodbyes.

Ava was kind enough to walk him back to his car, which was parked in our driveway, and I raised both of my eyebrows at her when she came back inside after a suspiciously long amount of time.

"He's a good kisser." Was all she said while shrugging her shoulders and I blushed slightly.

As much as I loved seeing my sister happy, it was also kind of weird and it made me slightly jealous as well.

We haven't been the closest twins but we still did most things together. Her having a boyfriend felt like she was leaving me behind but I decided not to dwell on it.

After we helped our parents clean up, we both went upstairs and into our rooms.

Tonight was pretty eventful, but what I didn't know was that this new chapter of my sisters life would change not only her own, but also my life forever.

That was chapter one! I hope you liked it! I'm never good at writing the first few chapters but I'll get into it after a while and promise some more eventful and well written chapters in the future!

Comments are always appreciated!
Have a nice day/night!


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