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just as i was about to come into the classroom, i saw a fist and a flash of dark hair rush past me and went smack into freddy's face.

"asher!" summer shouted, and i heaved a sigh of relief. as much as i did not want anyone hurt, i was happy to see that it wasn't zack who inflicted any harm on freddy because of pure jealousy. not trusting one another, not a very attractive thing, really.

"tomika! are you okay?" zack said as he walked up to me, as mr finn pried asher off of freddy, who was being helped up to go to the nurse.

"peachy, zachary. i thought you liked me," i crossed my arms, waiting for an explanation. he was like a head taller than me; it was embarrassing that i has to tilt my head back just to talk to him.

"i do. i really do. i'm sorry i didn't trust you with freddy, i just knew you guys had a history. he was your first kiss, doesn't that mean something?" zack shied, raising an eyebrow when he posed his question.

"actually... i lied. i haven't had my first kiss. you were it. and i'm glad you were my first, and not someone who just used me and tried to take advantage of me," i spilled, looking down at my dirty sk8-hi. i haven't skated in forever.

"hey, don't look so down," zack raised up my chin with his fingers, and placed his large, warm hand on the side of my face. he carressed it a little then gave me a peck on the lips. i smiled, holding his hand as well. "i'll never take advantage of you. i think i might actually have a chance at this whole courting thing. thank you, tomika. for teaching me that love takes a while."

did he say love?

"yes, i did. but... i don't think i love you yet. i will in time, but for now, we're just madly in like with each other. does that even make sense?" he chuckled, and so did i. i slipped my hand into his, interlacing our fingers as we continued into class. thankfully, mr finn hadn't been back from the office yet and so we got some time to talk.

"i was thinking. you haven't taken me on a proper date yet."

"well, we aren't dating, are we?"

"if you want us to be, here is your chance. listen very carefully, kwan, because you're going to have to take notes," i joked, standing up and making him sit on a short chair. "i like skating. all sorts of it."

"well. i'm not the most interested, but i guess it's worth a shot. pick you up tomorrow at 4. we're going to the skate park on carlton road, then my place for dinner?" he suggested, standing up and grabbing my hand. i'm blushing so hard i can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"sure! but won't your mom get mad again or something?" i asked, curious about more about his mom. she seemed very sophisticated and frankly, quite unaccepting of me. was it my social status? my family's income? like, what does she hate about me?

"not anymore. i explained to her very clearly yesterday, that there was this girl in school that i really liked. she has shiny brown hair, gorgeous hazel eyes, the cutest little height, and this perfect smile. she has this goofy laugh where she snorts every once in a while. she also plays the bass in a rock band, and that just made me like her even more," he gave a cheshire cat smile, grinning practically from cheek to cheek. i smiled at him so hard i don't think i can stop smiling anymore.

"i wonder who that might be," i laughed, pulling him into a tight, warm hug.

"still not my girlfriend?"



"settle down, children! i'd like to speak with you about a very serious matter. " principal mullins' voice boomed when she stepped into the classroom. all of us students scattered and found our appropriate seats, sitting with our backs straight and hands neatly folded, like we learnt in etiquette class. "as you all know, a fight broke out outside this classroom this morning at approximately 7.53 am. it has come to my attention that the fight was concerning a girl. if the girl would like to own up, please. we know who it is but we would like to confirm it before we push any further actions."

i looked at zack. he shook his head. he mouthed 'it's not about you. i know it and you do too.' well, i didn't completely understand the last part but he signalled it so it was okay. i turned my head to the other side and noticed summer acting slightly weird.

her hands were not neatly folded, her fingers were fidgeting. she was slipping her rings off and on. she was shaking her legs, even when she knew her charcoal-ironed socks would eventually fall if she continued. she was biting her lip, grinding her teeth together interchangeably.

"summer. are you alright?" i asked. i had to ask. she was my best friend. as her own best friend. i would really like to know why she would still like freddy and asher.

she ignored me, though.

"if nobody would like to own up, i assume the two will just have to face expulsion," she pushed up her glasses, straughtened her jackst and the sound of her heels clicking at each step followed suit.

"ms mullins! i-it's me. i-i'm the one who, um, tbe one the boys fought over," summer stood up abruptly, her hands till practically glued to one another. she put her head down and walked quietly towards ms mullins, who signalled her to follow to her office. i could genuinely see the fear in summer's face when she glanced at me.

i was in shock. i was completely, utterly and indescribably dumb-founded. i couldn't believe freddy was just faking it. he harmed my relationship with zack. that's cold, even for him. 

"tomika? are you okay?" zack asked, placing his hand onto my shivering arm.

"i don't know."

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