Now Let's All Agree To Never Be Creative Again

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As time droned on Tony got impatent and went to do more productive things with his time that involved sitting down and documenting what Nataley and the kids were doing as he said 'tick tock' slowly under his breath. There were paintings, drawings, dances, somewhat satanic rituals and horrible singing all until midnight when the kids finally could no longer take it and passed out. Nataley giggled as she walked back into the living room sittind down next to Tony, her dress covered in paint and her face covered in marker. "You look like creativity threw up on you," Tony commented and Nataley giggled. "Come along now is time for a bath," He said as he walked to the stairs, his beloved Notepad fallowing behind. 

As he led her up memories of them as a child began to flood back into his memory, when he would look after her and have to defend her for looking exactly how she did now. "Something wrong Tony?" She asked rubbing her eyes tired.

"Nothing Nataley I am fine, not time to clean and not to long I will be waiting," He said opening the door to the bathroom and watched Nataley slugishly walk in before she simply laid in the bathtub.

"DO NOT START-" Tony began yelling before he heard the small noise of her snoring and he couldn't help but laugh as he watched her. 

Sighing he knew she would not be waking up soon so he ran the water in the sink making it warm before he dipped a wash cloth in it and knelt by the tub humming the song Nataleys mother used to sing, It went a little something like this:


Hush my little bird, now's no time to cry, you're wings are never broken so it's time to fly. I'll watch you as you go. Take care as you move on. I'll be here when you need me, but never let you go. Even when I'm gone. You can be sure I'm here, just close your eyes and listen and this song you will here. 

My pretious little flour let your pettles bloom soak up all your knowledge and sway to my small tune. You'll grow up just quite fine and make your mother proud. Just hold to what you love, and keep me close my dear. 


He felt his eyes almost prickle with tears and whispered to himself 'Oh if only you were here to see your messy little flower now'. Nataley slightly stirred at his words and he smiled as he cleaned the marker from her face and arms slowly soothing her back to sleep. Once she was fully clean he picked her up carying her carefully to the spair bedroom studying her scars that she had. "Such a creativly messy girl," He chuckled knowing that those scars were from either him or a victem that she creativly murdered.

As he covered her with the blanket her eyes slowly fluttered open and she said, 'You're not going to leave me here are you?" She asked and he gave her a smile.

"Now is not the time for me to leave you my creative little flower," He whispered as he knelt by the bed pulling his sword out and setting it on the floor. Nataley sighed and pulled her pencil out setting it on the night stand before she turned back to him.

"Lay with me?" She mused and Tony gave her a crooked smile before giving into the request and laying next to her. Nataley smiled before curling next to him, "Will you sing the song you hummed to me?" She asked with a yawn.

Tony nodded and sang to her in his slow voice, the one he only used for her, the only one he made time for. He didn't know it at the time but he cared for Nataley more than himself. He'd give his time for her and in the end what that really was, what it truly was inside his ticking clock heart. Was Love.

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