Chapter 16: First Day of Practice

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We all practiced for what it seemed like ages. I had to run laps with vulpix so she'd be faster in her attacks so by the end of the day I had all of her attacks messmorised and I couldn't feel my legs. I walked to my dorm to find Marisol, Kevin, Kylie, Candy and Mathew on their beds well Mathew on my bed and Kevin on Marisols. Not to mention Pokemon everywhere.

"My legs hurtttt" Marisol said as she leans over on Kevin's stomach. A rowlet flew over to Marisol from the pack of Pokemon in the middle of the room. There was a zorua, Poochyena, sawsbuck, reuniclus, glazion, luxray, sableye, and a meowstic. It was so amazing I wanted to take a picture of it, they were all playing together, smiling and sniffing each other. I reached for my phone that I left on my desk. I took a picture of all the Pokemon like creatures that were right in front of me. Vulpix was in a corner scared I didn't even realize she left my side.

"Hey you ok girl?" I reached down to pet her, she brought her head up to accept the cuddle.

"Its ok they won't hurt you, they're our friends." I told her picking her up and hugging her. She licked my cheek, I put her down and she hopped to the other pets. I walked to Mathew and cuddled up against him.

"Lucky pick, nice vulpix." Mathew said as he started to play with my hair.

"Thanks, which ones yours?" I said looking at all of the pets.

"I got meowstic. Hes pretty cool." he said looking at all of the pets. I got up from my bed and went towards the pokemon.

"Ok so who's who's??" I said laughing at the little tounge twister I said. They all came down from the beds to sit down.

"I got Rowlet." Marisol said as her rowlet got on her lap.

"I got Luxray." Kevin said. That's the first time I've heard him speak to me. Luxray was a really cool Pokemon. I suddenly thought of something.

"Kevin what's your power?" I said as vulpix came to lay on my lap. She yawned and tried to fall asleep.

"I have electricity. " he said petting luxray who sat next to him.

"I got poochyena." Candy said grabbing him and hugging him. He made a noise as she let him go. He pounced on her lap and it was the cutest thing I saw.

"Mines Zorua." Kylie said as he was running around the room smelling everyone.

"And you got vulpix am I right? " Candy said coming to sit next to me.

"Yes I did." I said petting vulpix while she slept on my lap.

"Mathew you got meowstic?" Marisol asked as she went to pet meowstic.

"Yes I did." he said as meowstic looked at Marisol with wide eyes. I looked at luxray admiring his features. I was a fan of luxray, hes an amazing electric Pokemon and very strong. I looked at him and he looked at me. He stood up making him taller then me since I was sitting down. I reached my hand out, he sniffed it and put his head down meaning he accepted it. I pet his fur, surprisingly it want riff and poky like I thought.

"I love Luxray." I said petting him, he yawned and laid down with his head on my knee.

"Wow he likes you." Kevin said sitting on the opposite side of luxray and me.

"Yep" I laughed, "I'm told I send a good vibe to the pets." he laughed.

"I guess you do if luxray likes you." he said looking at luxray,
"It took him a full hour to come close to me. " I looked at Luxray and then at Kevin. 

"Well now he likes you tho and that's good." I said petting Luxrays head. With that we let our Pokemon rest and we went to sleep. I couldn't be happier with my Pokemon.

But I forgot the situation at hand...

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