Chapter 12 The Demon Side

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No one was walking at this hour, no one would have heard me. This seemed to have pissed me off more as my fists came down on the poor wall harder.

From the painful sting that I was feeling in my knuckles, I knew that they were bleeding and badly.

Yet, I didn't care. No, I just hit the fucking wall harder and faster! I was trying to destroy everything I had! I wanted to be lonely so this fucking voice would leave me alone! I wanted to show everyone to not fuck with me!

No one cares for you. No one will love you. The voice said.

Scowling, I thew more punches at the damn wall.

After a while, I felt someone touch my shoulder. Their smell was one I couldn't forget, no matter how many times I tried.

"Aahh!" I screamed again, turning around and upper cutting C.J and punching him in the gut.

He stumbled backwards before sliding down the wall. He looked up into my crazy blue eyes as I smirked. The same smirk I always wear when the voice is silent as I do as she says.

"Scared, hun? Do you see what I see? Do you see how I feel?" I asked through clenched teeth.

Instead if answering, he started to cough up some blood. But he was smiling at me. Fucking smiling at how crazy I looked!

That... That was the final straw.

Spinning around, I landed one more punch into the brick wall. From the impact, I didn't just cause a hole in the damn thing, but it had spider web around it!

My breathing came out hard and heavy as I shook. It wasn't enough. I need to kill something. The killer in me begged to be released. To have her vengeance on the one who started it all.

Yet, taking in a deep breath, I grabbed my bag. I was beyound pissed and nothing was going to stop that. Only killing will, sadly.

"No. I'm not scared. I'm impressed! A mortal normally would've been holding their hand in pain." He spoke clearer than day

I whirled around, my fist slamming into a female's chest. Jane's chest.

Her wail of pain sounded around me as I smiled at it. It made me feel much better. Very much better.

"This bitch is seriously crazy, Alpha!" Jacob growled at C.J.

There's that Alpha thing again... And he sounded like a wolf growling... Oh shit!

My eyes widen a fraction at what I was dealing with before I narrowed them down into silts. He was the Alpha of a pack that was in town and he just got here... That or he joined a pack with someone.

"Hey!" Someone yelled from the street.

I reconised the voice almost instantly. My smile brighten even more at the sound of Mr. Weasel's footsteps. He was the bitchy ass teacher that no one liked.

Once the annoying man was a few feet away from me, I whipped around and slammed him to the ground. A nice crunched sounded as his nose broke. Yet, I wasn't done yet.

Gripping him by the tips of his hair, I pulled him up and threw him into the  metal pipes. He cried out in pain as he wheezed for air, coughing up a small amount of blood.

Just when I was about to continue my beating, some werewolf had to hit me! I wasn't the least bit happy! I was going to bring him to hell with me!

My entire vision was turned red as I started killing the poor guy. I knew that I had broken several of his ribs, crushed one lung, fractured his arm and leg with the bones sticking out. His nose was broken several ways and I was now choking him.

"Stop that!" Another male voice sounded.

Very quickly, I was pinned to the ground with some red head baring his teeth at me. I bared mine and hissed at him, then I growled lowly.

His eyes widen in shock at how well I was able to growl like a wolf too, but that didn't last long as I had launched him into the allyway's wall in the back.

I flipped up and got ready for another fight, when I felt a prick in my skin. Almost instantly, my body felt too heavy to keep standing.

"I got you." A deep voice sounded.

I couldn't place it, but I knew it was someone of high importance. With droopy eyes, I leaned into the man's touch as I was passing out.

"Cade?" I asked before I completely fell into the spell of the drug that was in my system.

"Yes, my baby hellhound. Yes, I'm Cade." His fading voice called out to me in the dark.

Finally back in the place where I truly belong. The darkness that all fear. My demon's home where we can be friends than enemies. I was home.

Wolf's HuntressOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz