Evelyn had learned to take care of herself early on and had developed a tough exterior, but Wendy knew that she had to be hurting. Somewhere inside of her was a lonely and sick little girl who desperately needed her mom. It was a mystery to Wendy how, after everything Evelyn had been through, she was capable of mothering Wendy the way she did. Who had shown Evelyn how to love and nurture? Wendy couldn't help but wish for better things for her friend. If there was one person that did not deserve all of this crap, it was Evelyn.

But for all of the love that Evelyn lacked at home, she made up for at the hospital. Everyone there adored Evelyn! From the doctors to the nurses, the patients, and even the patients families had all developed a very strong fondness for the brave blonde girl. She had won over their hearts a long time ago, and everyone treated her like family. There was nothing they wouldn't - and hadn't - done for her.

Wendy remembered the birthday party the nurses had thrown for Evelyn back when Wendy was first admitted. It was a very big deal! They had hung balloons everywhere and had made decorations and snacks. They'd wanted to dress up the fourth floor with flowers because everyone knew how much Evelyn loved tiger lilies, but some of the patients had compromised immune systems so flowers were prohibited. However, Evelyn didn't let that get her down. She loved the attention and all of the little gifts she'd received. Some of the kids had spent days making her presents in the arts and crafts room, while others managed to get their parents to let them pick out a little something in the gift shop. Evelyn especially loved the giant cookie cake one of the doctors had brought in. She later told Wendy it was the only birthday party she'd ever had, and she was floating on cloud nine for several days afterward.

It was good to see her friend so happy! She was always doing so much for everyone else; it was nice to be able to do something for her for a change. Evelyn was notorious for cracking jokes and lifting everyone's spirits. She'd always had a smile on her face and was ready to help anyone who needed it. Wendy truly felt blessed Evelyn considered her to be her best friend. In all the world, Wendy could not imagine a better friend than Evelyn.

"I promise, Evelyn. I'll be strong," Wendy sniffled.

"Good girl. Now, I want you to go see Dr. Grant and let him do what he needs to do to make you better. When you go into that procedure, you think about a place where you have been before that makes you feel happy. Some place where you have pleasant memories and you feel safe and free. The place where you do not have a care in the world. And you just keep imagining yourself in that place, and DO NOT leave it. You stay there until Dr. Grant is done doing what he needs to do, and only then can you leave that place. Do you understand, Wendy? Find your "happy place" and hang on tight to it. You are going to need to go there from time to time. Are you listening to me? You've got this!"

Wendy shook her head yes, but could not answer. She tried to compose herself because she knew that her parents would be there any minute and she did not want them to see her that way. As hard as it was, Wendy tried to stay strong for her family. She was afraid that if they knew how scared she was...

Oh, she just couldn't think about that! She had already hurt them so much. If they knew that she worried about dying, it would kill them. And she could not take seeing them in any more pain. The thought was unbearable.

Wendy took a shaky breath and straightened herself up.

"That's my girl," Evelyn murmured, hugging her friend tightly and then brushing her hair back behind her ears with her fingers.

"You're going to get through this, and you're going to come back here and tell me that it wasn't so bad after all. And then we are going to have a lunch date, and watch 'Clueless' in the lounge. And maybe we can get that nursing technician Linda to snag us some extra ice creams. Come on, it will be fun, you'll see," Evelyn smiled warmly. "Now, let's dry your eyes and wait for your parents," she said, handing Wendy a tissue.

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