Truth never Ends You

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We are not meant to be perfect. Mistakes or sins are a part of life, that is why God gave the blessing to ask for his forgiveness that often times we take for granted and keep on making mistakes.

Here's a thing,  if u had done something terribly wrong or maybe something that you shouldn't have done to someone.

Then confess the truth to that person who u know would be hurt the most to hear the truth from you.

When you lie , the situation keeps getting complicated because you are too scared to confess the truth as u fear that it might make your life more miserable.

Skipping the

If u do something that makes you happy but you know your happiness would be the reason for someone's dissatisfaction and that happiness is creating problem in your own life but it's like a drug and you don't wanna get rid of it.

Then my friend, this happiness is not eternal , this happiness is not gonna end well.
Don't lie and skip the reality Rather face the truth . You won't  be at least guilt when everything is gone.

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