Ch 1 - The Transfer Student

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The day for the arrival of the infamous transfer student had arrived, but as you, and the rest of your class had noticed, he himself had not shown up by the time class started. This only served to add more fuel to the fire of rumors as you listened to the others in the class make comments.

"That new transfer student must really be a delinquent." The girl with shoulder-length, brown hair in front of you, Hibiki, commented to her friend to the right.

The friend, Momoko, nodded back, her short, black hair swayed slightly with the movement. "Oh my gosh, yeah! I wonder why our school accepted someone like him?"

Even though your classes recently changed with the new school year, you knew these two from middle school. They were the ones who really spread the rumors about you back then, but fortunately for you, they moved on to other victims and apparently didn't even recognize you. You were thankful that you weren't in the same class as them for the first year, but now you had to suffer with them again. You were not looking forward to it.

"I bet he got into a fight on the way to school." The boy in the front right of the classroom commented.

"For real? Dude, why does he have to be in our class?" Another guy commented from two rows over.

As the debate and rumor generation started to really get loud, a teacher came in and commanded the class to be quiet.

"Mrs. Kawakami is waiting patiently for the transfer student to arrive. As such, I will be covering for her until that happens." Mr. Ushimaru, the Social Studies teacher, informed your class.

As Mr. Ushimaru started the extra social studies lesson that none of you asked for, you only half listened and wrote down light notes for show. Your mind was more focused on what may have happened to the transfer student. As much as you didn't want to believe the over-exaggerated rumors, he wasn't helping his case at all by being late.

~~ Time Skip: Afternoon ~~

The class was still rowdy with gossip and chatter as Mrs. Kawakami walked into your classroom followed by an unfamiliar boy. It was obvious that he was the transfer student, but he didn't appear at all like any of the guesses the others in your class had come up with. First of all, he was tall and rather skinny, but the school's uniform fit well to his form. His bag was slung over one shoulder and the glasses he wore completed what you deemed to be a quiet, studious type of student.

"Being super late on the first day? He really is insane..." one boy commented. While you didn't know his name, you knew him to be quieter, like yourself. But apparently even this got him talking.

"He looks normal though..." Hibiki added. You couldn't see her face, but her confused tone said enough.

"But he might slug us if we look him in the eye..." A more gaudy male student brought up the point you knew they were all thinking.

Mrs. Kawakami sighed and leaned forward on her hands on the teacher's desk. She then spoke with her normal tone of exasperation. "Settle down..." She paused a moment for the chatter to die down before continuing. "...Well, I'd like to introduce a transfer student: Akira Kurusu. Today we... had him attend from the afternoon on since he wasn't feeling well." She looked to Kurusu. "Alright, please say something to the class."

You watched him carefully as Mrs. Kawakami introduced him. When she prompted him to say something, he took a clear second to think before speaking. And when he finally spoke, he spoke with a soft, but deep, timbre, which made what he said sound very polite and pleasant to hear. "Nice to meet you."

Flowered Daggers (Akira Kurusu/P5 Protag x Fem!Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt