Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Kendall POV

"James, I need you to go out and collect protection money, please. Take a few guys with you of course. You know what you're doing." He stood up.

"Alright, I'll be back." He left my office and I sat back, letting out a sigh. Maybe I should go enjoy my backyard.

I went to the back and looked around. I had a big patio area to accommodate my pool and a place to have a nice party. Built in grill, outdoor kitchen, sink and fridge. Yeah, being in the mafia has its perks.

Then, I had a huge yard space as the lawn went on further. I need a garden or a hedge maze or something.

"Excuse me, sir." I whipped my head around and saw some guy. How the hell did he get through?!

"Hey! I have a guard, how did you get through?!" He put his hands up.

"Whoa sir, I know, he let me through." What the hell, my guard wouldn't do that. I went over and gripped him by the collar.

"What the fuck is going on? Who are you?" His demeanor changed and he smiled.

"I made your guard take a little nap." I gave him a weird look. "It's time." Oh, I know what this is. I let him go and he handed me an envelope. "Burn it after you read, Kendall." I looked down at it for a split second. When I looked back up, he was gone.

It was time for my annual meeting with Master Z. He has random people deliver envelopes to the capos. I don't know where he gets the people, but don't mess with them. I opened the envelope.

You know what's really beautiful, but always forgotten? The industrial side of things, the big factories and the great smell of smog. Too bad there is only one remaining around here and it's not even open, a shame. It still fools the eye sometimes at 8 pm, you think you see the faint historic smoke. Especially the third Friday of the month, when the factory boomed with products. Industrial Revolution, what a time.

Master Z. tells you the location very subtly. You really have to read. He does that in case it's found, even though the capos are supposed to burn it. Not everyone listens.

This slightly ruined my day. I had to plan to be there on Friday now, nothing could get in the way. Never miss a meeting with Master Z., because next thing you know, your own guys are killing you.

It was Thursday, so tomorrow's agenda is completely open now for the meeting.

"Kendall." I heard faint yelling. I turned around and saw Katelyn. I waved back. "What are you doing?" She yelled.

"Just getting some fresh air, I'm coming in right now." She shut the sliding door and I started making my way back to the house.

Everyone's eyes were going to be on me at the meeting this year. Everyone's. Why? I killed Ryder and there are capos that liked him. Hopefully, they can see my side of the story. In all I honesty, I don't really care all that much about what they think, I'm just glad Master Z. didn't punish me.

I opened the sliding doors and walked through.

"Hey, Katelyn." She looked over and smiled at me.

"Hey." She came up and gave me a kiss. I gave a small smile. "What's up? You look bothered." I shrugged.

"Just some mafia things with my boss." She nodded slowly.

"I see...well I hope everything is fine." I kissed her again.

"Everything will be fine. I'll make sure of it." I looked around. "Where's Kylie?" Katelyn went silent. "Oh, great."

"Let her be."

"She's with that boy." I rolled my eyes. "Who we still need to meet, oh bad. Katelyn took the liberty of meeting him without me." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I didn't want him to be deathly afraid." I pointed to myself.

"That's my job. To make the boys deathly afraid. This is my little girl we're talking about." She came over to me and patted my head.

"Yes, I understand. I love her just as much as you." I shook my head.

"I don't think that's possible." She smiled.

"Well, your little girl has been talking about a car." I shrugged.

"Ok, I'll buy her a car." Katelyn whipped her head at the speed of light to look at me. Damn.

"Absolutely not."


"She will not be behind the wheel so she can get into a car crash and die!" I gave her a 'really' look.

"She's a good driver. After all, I taught her."

"And that's why I'm worried." I scoffed.

"Excuse me, I am an amazing driver."

"Yeah because I want my daughter learning from someone who's been on high speed chases, drive-by's and illegal drag races. Mhm...yep...the exact kind of teacher I want for my daughter." I chuckled.

"You're gonna go there, huh? Sure, I've been through all of that. Doesn't mean I'm a terrible civil driver." She nodded.

"Just means you're worse." I shrugged.

"I'm buying my baby a car so she can enjoy herself." Katelyn crossed her arms.

"Buy the car, but she will never be able to drive it."

"She can't drive, but she can get pregnant?" She gave me a wide eyed look. I shrugged. "You're letting her have a boyfriend to enjoy her time with-."

"They're not having sex, Kendall."

"But inevitably they could. Why not? They're boyfriend and girlfriend. She could if she wanted to because you've allowed her to have someone to do it with." I fake smiled. "If she's enjoying her time with her boyfriend, she can enjoy her time in a car." Katelyn looked away and nodded slowly.

"This-this how we're gonna play it?" She motioned between the two of us. I sighed.

"Afraid so, Babe. You let her have a boyfriend, I let her have a car. Simple as that." She went back to doing what she was doing before.

"Alright, Francis. I see how it is." I chuckled.

"I'm glad you do."

Hope you liked it. Until Next Time.


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