Cheerleading Among Other Things

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Alyssa's POV 

The next day started just like the one before. I woke up and did my normal routine still deciding on what to wear for the day. I finally decided on a blue skater skirt with a white camisole and my converse again. I grabbed my bag and my dad even tossed me the keys to my car that finally got here from Florida. I was nothing special but at least it ran well. I hopped in and drove up to the school. When I arrived the only parking spot left in the lot was right next to the big ass Chevy truck I already knew too well. They were all joking around in the bed of the truck when I pulled into the space. I smirked at them as I got out of the car and said "Morning boys I'd bet ya'll got a good nights rest last night after our little show now." I slammed my door and glanced over towards them seeing who would answer me first. They were all still eyeing me from top to bottom. I knew they were all still trying to figure me out, except for Mox. Tweeder stepped in and said "Sure would have been a better night's sleep with you there though darling." At this point he was coming towards me giving me his best fuck me face. I smiled and said "Well aren't you sweet Tweeder but I'm afraid that would make Mr. Harbor over there very jealous now wouldn't it?" I had jumped up on the tire of the truck and leaned over the bed staring at Lance with my innocent face. He chuckled and said "Well if that's what you want ma'm then I would gladly make that happen." He leaned in more towards me smiling because he knows I hate being called ma'm. I scoffed and leaned in a bit closer just to tease him a bit and whispered "I don't think your mama has a rack like this anymore so you best not be calling me ma'm no more." With that I pushed my chest up a lot more as Lance couldn't help but stare at it. I hopped off the truck and headed into school with pride and that signature smirk. 

The day went by pretty fast and I found myself sitting with Darcy and the girls again at lunch. She was still trying to convince me to try out for cheerleading with her and the other girls after school today but I was still hesitant. Jules came over to sit and overheard Darcy trying to talk me into trying out. Jules wasn't a cheerleader but she told me I should do it. We all continued to chat until Billy Bob and Tweeder came over cause they saw me and said "Hey there's our new favorite girl!" They both came up on either side of me as Mox and Lance followed behind them. But once Lance saw me he just went right over to Darcy. I had actually totally forgotten that they were together, I felt like such a bad friend. Mox came and sat next to Jules who was sitting next to me while Darcy and Lance were on the other side of the table talking really sweetly but Lance kept glancing over at me every so often. Then Darcy mentioned cheerleading and that I should try out again. Mox jumped in and said "Ya its a good way to show school spirit if your into that I mean since you can't play football with us." Jules and Darcy looked at me weird and said "You play football?" I shook my head kinda nervous and said "Yeah I was watching the guys practice yesterday and I played a little with them, it was fun." Lance said "Yeah she caught my throw at least 40 yards down the field and scored it was sick." I blushed a bit, Lance complementing me after all that happened I guess he's just trying to hide it from Darcy. I finally said "I guess I'm trying out for cheerleading, but I swear if any of you guys laugh at me I'll kick all of your asses blindfolded." They all laughed and Darcy squealed with excitement. 

After school Darcy let me borrow some blue Nike shorts she had from last year and a tank top that fit me just a bit tighter then I normally wear them. They had us do some tumbling inside in the gym and since I haven't practiced in a couple of years I was a little rusty but Darcy said I did great. We headed out towards the grass by the football field to do the cheers. We also had to learn some of the dance parts that go with them. For being a very Christian and faith based town some of the moves we were doing were a bit risque to say the least. I could see all the guys over on the field eyeing us and I bothered me somewhat but I just blocked them out for the rest of the time. Once the tryouts were over Darcy and I headed over to the water jug to get a drink before we headed home. Mox ran over and said hey but while we were talking Coach Kilmer yelled over to him "Moxon, boy get your ass over here if you even want to get a play in this season." I gave me a look of annoyance and ran back to the field to run the play. Then of course Lance ran over, gave Darcy a quick kiss and said "How do ya'll think you did? Am I going to have two of my favorite girls cheering for me every Friday night?" Darcy smile like always and said "Well I can assure you that will happen, promise." She looked at him more longingly and I felt a bit awkward just standing there so I headed out talking to Wendell and Tweeder. Wendell was telling me about how Kilmer never lets him score the touchdowns even though when there running the ball he uses him all the time as the rusher. I was in disbelief but Kilmer looks like he could be one son of a bitch so I could see what Wendell was saying. Tweeder of course was talking about getting fucked up this weekend and trying to convince me to come along with them to this party one of the guys was throwing. I told him I'd think about it but he pouted a bit until I finally caved in and said "If it will get you off my ass Tweeder then yes I'll go." He laughed and said "Yes but I think by the end of the night you'll want me on your ass if you know what I mean." I gave him a bit of a disgusted look and said "In your dreams Tweeder I think you have a better chance with Bacon then me." Wendell laughed and said "Man she got you with that one." He said "Yeah well at least I get some action Wendell when was the last time you popped a cherry?" I walked away after that because I really don't want to know the gory details on there sex lives. 

I walked back to Darcy and Lance they were talking and Darcy said something about "I think its about time that I became your wide receiver babe." He looked a bit shocked but I knew Darcy and she was playing a certain game, date the star player so you can get the hell out of this town. It was just sad in this case cause Lance really looked like he cared about her. I cleared my throat behind them and said "Best to be getting home now, wouldn't want my mom to worry about me. I'll see you two tomorrow alright." Before I could leave Darcy said "I'll come with you just wait here I'll grab our bags." I nodded my head and stood against the fence waiting. Lance came over to me and said "Sorry about earlier I just didn't want it to seem like I was into you in front of Darce. I really care about her and I would hate to see her get hurt." I was shocked when he said that. He wasn't just some stereotypical star quarterback who would hit any girl he could get his hands on or even chase girls until they gave into him. I smiled and said "Your sweet Lance." I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "That must be another reason that all these girls around her love you so much." He looked at me all confused and said "What do you mean another reason, what's the first?" Before I could answer his question Darcy came running out and said "Let's go Lyssa, bye Lance." I ran off as I saw his face even more confused then before. 

*It would be great if everyone who reads the story votes and comments. Tell me if you like it and go watch the movie Varsity Blues its such a good movie and I'm in love with it right now. Vote and Comment. Thanks for reading I really appreciate it.*

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