"Watch it, kid."

Harry winced when someone pushed past him roughly. He looked up and stepped back slightly. He bumped into his some scary looking guy, with blue eyes.

"S-sorry." Harry apologized before rushing away. Once he spotted Liam, he instantly ran to the boy. "Liam! There's some scary new guy I bumped into!" Harry whined before gripping onto Liam again.

"Ugh I hate him, and he just expected that I'd forgive him. He acts like he's some god or something, I mean, yeah, he looks like one, but still." Liam grumbled as he dug around in his locker. Harry patted his back sympathetically before walking away to get his own stuff.

Just as he was shutting his locker, he smiled widely when seeing Josh and Niall. The two were talking and teasing, being all flirty, and it was the cutest thing Harry has ever seen.

"Hey guys." Harry said as Niall and Josh turned to him. They both gave him a dirty look before continuing their conversation. Harry huffed and rolled his eyes. Niall noticed this reaction and his expression changed.

"No, Harry, I was joking, I just want some drama. You and Liam have so much drama in you life, I just want to make mine interesting. Forgive me?" Niall said dramatically grabbing onto Harry's arm. 

"No." Harry said as Josh snickered at Niall's shocked expression. "Bitch." Niall scoffed while letting go and grabbing Josh instead. Josh just rolled his eyes at the two, completely done with their shit.

"Well anyway, a little leprechaun told me, you're finally gonna talk to Louis! That's great mate, everything will be easier once you do." Josh said as Harry nodded.

"I hope so, then I must focus on my friends' problems." Harry said giving Josh a look. He blushed while Niall looked confused.

"I have no problems, Harold. It's just Liam." Niall said as Harry nodded slowly looking at the blonde with squinted eyes.

"Bye guys." Harry said as the bell rang. He walked to Geometry with a little skip in his step. He was really happy for some reason, and the fact that he was nearly skipping to Geometry, is saying something.

He walked into class sitting beside Liam who looked exhausted. Harry patted his back sympathetically before the class started.


"I'm so nervous." Harry said as the bell rang abd he exited geometry. "You can do this hazza." Liam said as they walked to Liam's locker.

"Ok do you know what you're going to say to him?" Niall asked walking up to the two. Surprisingly, without Josh beside him. Oh wait, no, Josh soon walked up to them and joined the conversation.

"Nope, I'm just gonna wing it." Harry said as Niall gave him a thumbs up. "Perfect." He said while Liam opened his locker.

And just as he did, tons of notes, flower petals, and whole flowers poured from the locker. Liam huffed and banged his head on the locker door.

"To Liam, I'm sorry for being a jackass." Josh read from one note. Niall reached down and picked up another. "I'm sorry getting you drunk."

"How did he even do all this in one period, how'd he get whole flowers in my locker." Liam said in exhaustion.

"Honestly, I can imagine Zayn and Gigi skipping class. Sitting infront of this locker, writing little notes, then slipping them in, along with the flower petals." Harry said picking up a flower petal and examining it.

"Do you like it? Me and Zayn worked really hard, it took forever." Gigi said softly and timidly as she walked up to them.

"Well it's going to take forever to clean up." Liam grabbing the notes and shoving them back in his locker. He sighed when they fell out again. He walked up to Gigi before saying seriously. "Please, Gigi, tell Zayn to just leave me alone. It happened, that's it, he can't change it by apoligizing. And he doesn't need to it's fine, just tell him to leave me alone. He doesn't need to talk to me and even look at me, I just want him to leave me alone."

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