Mission: Neverland

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Henry's POV
"Wait you guys can't be serious, are you really going to go back there for 1 person?" Grumpy said. "We did for Henry." Regina replied. "She's our Grandchild, we have somethings to apologize for." Snow said. "And she's my step-sister." I said.  "Blue, can you help us?" Snow asked. "I-I don't know, it will take time." She said.

Peter Pan's POV
"Why has she not lost her fire Pan? She should have lost it a long time ago." Felix told me. "You don't think I know that already? I'm trying but she... Just won't." I said frustrated. "Just won't what?" Wolf said walking in. "Nothing yo--" I started. "You're lying." She said, I looked at her. "No I'm n--" she interrupted again. "Yes you are. What are you hiding Pan?" She said anger in her voice starting to settle in. I look down and notice her hands started to glow. "It's nothing that you are needed to be concerned about." Felix said. "You won't tell me, fine. Guess you don't trust me. Who knows, I might have been able to tell you, and this goes 2 ways boys. If you can't trust me, I can't trust you." She said and walked out. "She's never gonna lose that fire is she." Felix said. "It appears not." I said. "Felix, prepare for tonight's bonfire, we have a surprise performance." I said smirking. "Is it time?" He asked. "It is time." I said.

Your POV
Man was I angry. Why wouldn't they tell me? Did they not trust me? Grr... Ok I'm gonna walk around the woods to calm down. "Maybe target practice will help." I said. I pulled out my bow and an arrow. I loaded my bow and got ready to fire. I heard rustling, but I waited. A deer popped out, I released the arrow and shot it directly in the heart. "Yes!" I said then I went over to the deer. I heard more rustling. I readied my bow again. This time a boar popped out I shot it in the head. "That's 2!" I said then dragged the boar next to the dear. I hear more rustling. Another deer pops out. I shoot it. "Alright, that should give us food for a couple days." I said as I took both deer and put them on my shoulders and I dragged the boar on my leg, by tying it on with a rope. I walked back to camp. "Anybody hungry?" I shout and everyone looks towards me. Some with shock, others with doubtful eyes. Pan looked impressed, as did Felix. "Well done Wolf." Felix said. "Now how about you make us dinner." Pan said. I nod my head, then roll my eyes. This angers Pan, he appears in front of me then starts choking me. "I'm growing tired of your disrespect toward me, love." He said while choking me. I just smirked. Then I switched our positions. "And I'm growing tired your disrespect toward me. You may be the king of Neverland, but I am still a girl. I don't like disrespect." I said. Then he switched our positions again. Then he dropped me. "Boys. Leave, Wolf and I need to talk." Pan said all the boys left. "You..." Pan started. Then he chuckled. "I've appear to have met my match." He said as I stood up. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You are the only one who has ever stood up to me, and not been frightened of me." Pan said. "Ok?" I said then he flashes out.

Peter Pan's POV (short)
"This is not good."

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