"What issues?" Liam gave Harry a look while shaking his head. Harry got the hint and mumbled a nevermind. Josh just needs to grow some balls and tell Niall himself.


"Ok so I've got everything we need. Blankets because Harry's house is always so bloody cold, tissues because Harry is an emotional sap, cellular devices just in case Liam tries to kill me, and snacks because I'm fucking hungry." Niall said as he laid out everything on the floor of Harry's bedroom.

"Uh, isn't this kinda a lot." Liam said looking at the multiple bags of candy and chips. "Uh Liam can you like shut up." Niall mocked as Liam pouted and stuck his tongue out at him. While they bickered, Harry laid out a blanket and rolled himself in it. "I'm a burrito." He said to himself while watching his friends fight and chewing on a gummy bear.

"Anyway, let's talk. Starting with Harry." Niall said while pointing at burrito Harry. "Seriously, just talk to Louis on Monday. Or even now I gave you his number. And how could you not be into him, just look at him." Niall said before pulling his phone out, he then shoved the phone into Harry's face. The screen displaying a picture a Louis smiling widely. "His sparkly blue eyes, almost perfect facial and body structure. And you agree, you were checking him out in the locker room." Harry blushed as Liam laughed.

"And you, let's officially talk about what happened at the party." Liam tensed before sighing and looking down. "Li, I know, but it helps if we talk about it." Niall said as Harry placed a hand on Liam's shoulder.

"Look guys, there's nothing you can do about it. It happened that's it." Liam said in a monotone voice, refusing to look at his friends. After a few seconds of silence, Liam then added shakily. "B-but it happened, and I'm so young. A-and my mum, what will she think, I'm gonna have to tell her, I tell her everything. She'd be so disappointed. A fifteen year old boy, getting drunk at a party, and losing my virginity. I can't believe I did something so stupid, I can't believe I am so stupid." Liam then looked up with tears streaming down his face. "It happened and there's nothing I can do to change it."

Harry quickly engulfed Liam into a tight hug as he let out a choked sob. Niall froze, his face red and guilty. "I'm sorry, this was a bad idea." Niall said awkwardly playing with his fingers.

"It's ok, you're right, talking about it helps." Liam said and tried smiling at Niall, before the blonde joined the hug.

Liam went to the bathroom to wash his face and cool down, leaving Niall and Harry on the floor. Niall was showing Harry pictures of Louis and bragging about him. Telling stories and sharing little things he knew about Louis. At first, Harry was annoyed, Louis brags enough at school, and now Niall's helping him. But he also found it kind of cute. Obviously, Louis talked to Niall, the two working together trying to persuade Harry to be attracted Louis. And it's not like Louis is so bad.

"I know Louis seems like an asshole most of the time, but he's been through some tough times. He helps his stepdad take care of his siblings, he's really sweet with them." Niall said slowly as Harry starred at him.

"What about his mum?" Harry asked as Niall looked at him with a frown. "Maybe he should tell you about more personal things himself. Just ask him, he'll tell you." Niall said before Liam walked in.

"Hey we should watch a movie, then sleep." Liam suggested as Niall and Harry stood up. "Sounds good, you guys are so problematic, I need a break. I'm so glad I don't have problems like you guys." Niall said while walking out of the room. Liam and Harry turned to each other with a look before following Niall.


"YOU'RE HERE, THERE'S NOTHING I FEAR. AND I KNOW THAT MY HEART WILL GO ON!" Harry and Niall sung loudly as Liam recorded them and posted it on Instagram. They were watching multiple movies, Titanic being one of them, causing Harry and Niall to sing My Heart Will Go On. Well screaming.

"Hello boys, you're up late." Anne said walking in on the boys' duet. "Hey mum." Harry panted while giving her a hug. "We're gonna go to bed in a bit." Liam said giving her a hug too, before Niall squeezed her side.

"Hey Niall, watch that grip, I'm not as young as I used to be." Anne said as Niall blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oops." He said as Harry elbowed him.


"Harold go to sleep." Niall groaned as Harry stared at his phone. He had been contemplating whether to text Louis or not. After everything Niall said, Harry was rethinking his opinion about Louis. It's so weird to think that at the beginning of the month, Harry hated Louis. But now, Louis doesn't seem all bad. Anyone with eyes can see that Louis has good looks, like really good looks, but Harry avoided him because of Louis' attitude. Unwillingly, Harry found out more and more about Louis. He was a super sweet older brother, a normal guy that cared tons about his friends and team, and a really outgoing guy. Yes, he still brags about false stories, and is still so annoyingly arrogant, but it seemed like that side of him was more of a cover up.

Harry shut off his phone and laid down on his bed, his friends already asleep. Louis would obviously would be a great friend, but it's kind of obvious Louis doesn't want to just be his friend. He did kiss him, and constantly flirts with him. But Harry doesn't really want to just rush in, he'd rather first get to know Louis a lot more. He should also take Niall's, Josh's, Zayn's, and everyone else's advice and talk to Louis. It wouldn't hurt. It's decided, he will call Louis tomorrow.

This one isn't too long, but you're welcome. Look people, I know Liam tops, I know ok. But I think they're versatile. Liam is a nerdy little puppy, and Zayn is Zayn in this fic, FOR NOW Liam will be bottoming, I apologize if you do not like it.

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