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I smiled as I looked at Terminus.

I was here.

I did it.

I made it.

Every things gonna be ok.

I walked through the two gates and was greeted by a woman named Mary who gave me a plate of food that I gladly took.

I looked around but I didn't see anyone from the prison.

My heart sank.

I was alone.

I smiled at Mary when I heard a scream.

I turned around to see Maggie, Glenn, and people I didn't recognize being attacked.

I dropped my plate and turned to Mary worried and suspicious, I had a knot in the back of my throat.

"Don't worry sweetie, they were bad people" she said politely.


All of the sudden her smile faded.

"I see. Then go with them." She said.

I turned at they were being dragged away, I turned back to Mary who didn't seem to be kidding.

I took a deep breath and ran to them.

They took us where we surrounded.

They told us to lay our stuff down one at a time.

Glenn sat down his compass, Maggie took off her poncho, someone took off the guard suit from the prison, and everyone sat down they're weapons, including me.

"Go in there." a man said pointing to a train car.

We all looked and stood frozen in fear.


"The Asian."


"You four." He said pointing to Maggie, Sasha, and two other girls.

"The kid."

The words echoed in my head.


I snapped out of it and head to the train car.

"And the rest."

We all piled in as they shut the door.

All I could hear was everyone's heavy breathing.

A couple of hours later we heard gun shots and I could hear them lining up people to send in here with us.

The door opened and we all backed up.

A man that looked a lot like Rick walked in first, then another, and another, then a kid...


I looked and stepped in front of Maggie to get a good view.

It was them. Daryl, Rick, Carl, and Michonne. Them.



But where's Lizzie? And Tyreese... Beth? Mika... Judith.?

Did they not make it?

"Rick?" Glenn asked.

Carl and I exchanged glances.

He looked terrified, and I knew I looked the same way.

 "You're here" said Rick.

 He looked at the people who weren't at the prison and locked his eyes on Tara.

THATS WHERE I KNEW HER FROM. She was on the Governors side...

"They're our friends..." Maggie said, "they helped save us."

"Yea, now those friends are ours" Says Daryl.

"For however long that'll be..." Abraham added.

I put my head down.

"No..." Rick says.

We all look up at him.

"Theyre gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out"

I tried to focus on Rick, but it was too dark, all I saw was his arm from the light coming through the door.

"Find out what?" Asked Abraham.

We all waited on Ricks reply.

I leaned forward, staring.

I swallowed hard, and tried to push back the tears.

"Theyre screwing with the wrong people."

Everything Has Changed (The Walking Dead) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now