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for the millionth time this day, i've been asked by dozens of reporters where i got my inspiration for my latest book. i simply told them that it was inspired by a few stories i read growing up. but if i told anyone the real reason, i'll sound like a damn romantic.

well, the book is a romantic novel but i still don't stress on that fictional element. and fate, destiny or "the one" are all that. i stay realistic so i wouldn't hurt myself or even others.

i was leaving after the hectic day with cameras and professional equipments placed around me, when i saw her.

nothing changed. her strawberry blonde hair placed in her ponytail, her big baby blues, her rosy cheeks and... a ring on that finger.

i guess i could say, that changed.

she seemed happy though, which is great. right? she held on her book, as per usual, lost in the world she's reading. maybe it's great to see her after all.


i read the headline that had my name in thick bold helvetica letters. i read past it, as if people don't tell me that every damn book i write is my masterpiece. i roll my eyes as i absorb every single word in the critique. i hear a bell ring, turns out it was a message alert from my phone.

it was her again. she sent a photo with my book and a message saying that she wanted a dedication for her copy. isn't the whole book enough for a dedication for her? i just agreed so i wouldn't seem rude. as for an egotistical guy, i tend to soften up more than anyone thinks.

i can't help but be bitter since all my life at high school, i was nothing but a punching bag for the "popular" kids in school. i need this time to be finally cocky. but being cocky didn't really benefit me. it just made me look pathetic especially to those kids in high school.

i drove to the same loft i go to everyday. just scrolling through everyone's attempt to have the most perfect life, when i heard a knock at the door.

i opened the door to see familiar faces. my red-haired athlete of a best friend, the New York ice queen, the wolf in sheep's clothing with red lipstick, the openly queer and her, the blonde girl-next-door.

they screamed, "surprise!" in unison. they were packed as if they were hosting some kind of surprise birthday party, balloons, cake and even a party popper. i stood there shocked as they made themselves welcome to my loft, which became their habit every time they visited me.

as they chronicled how and why they decided to visit me, i found out that archie wanted a reunion but never found a reason why. lucky for him, i had a new book coming out. and now, they're all here, in my loft, eating a burger cake that every friend i had would buy me on birthdays or any celebratory occasions.

i sat there as i listened their stories about their personal lives and careers. turns out, veronica just became an editor at nylon and cheryl is now the head of the blossom maple company.

no one among us saw that coming because while in high school, she blabbed about creating her own path.

archie still was still recording his first album while kevin was a consultant for another magazine. meanwhile, she was a travel journalist that every online group and magazines are running after. but she wanted to stay independent.

i never thought that by 26, we'd all be this great at our careers. during high school, we weren't the people to be successful since we would rather solve mysterious cases in our town. but after realizing what those investigations we did affected us, we all decided to leave the town with our families.

i was grateful for riverdale, i learned to stand on my own two feet, i learned that i had passion for writing and i learned to love. yeah, i said that last part.

cheryl decides to pop out champagne that was hidden in her bag. laughter and giggles filled the room as she popped the champagne. i must say, i had fun friends.

upon hearing what i've been saying, you wouldn't think that i was the lonely and extremely serious writer people see me. i have friends who are crazy and fun yet who are ambitious as hell.

but i have a problem though, why didn't she tell us about the ring on that finger? not to be a snoop but im seriously just wondering. i kind of need to know if i'll let my hopes up or not.

about 4 drinks of champagne, everybody passed out by the couch while i decided to order some of the greatest cheeseburgers i ate in the city.

surprisingly, i saw her sit by the balcony, having this melancholic expression on her face. i look closer to see her crying while she was talking to someone over the phone. her cries turned into sobs and soon, her champagne glass collides with the floor by accident.

she sees me and immediately wipes her tears. i raised the broom that i held and gave her a smile. she laughs a bit and we chat.

it turns out, the ring she had was from her now ex-fiancé. since she and her fiancé just broke up, she had no where to stay. she mentioned on stay with her mother down in manhattan. but because of the amount of champagne i had and how bloated i was with the burger cake, i decided to offer let her stay, with me! she gladly said yes and it made my heart stop when she gave me a warm hug.

my heart hurts now and what the hell did i just do?

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