Athena's mind was quick as she remembered the reason they were there. The troubling attacks on both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter over recent months as well as the strange monster activity, so eerily similar to those leading up to the second Titan War.

"What have the hunters seen in their recent hunts? How have the monsters been acting?"

Zeus looked at his daughter strangely before turning to Artemis. "Could you report what you told us a moment ago now that Athena is paying attention?"

The goddess of the hunt threw a concerned glance at her usually attentive sibling, "Just what we've been noticing over the past few months, no change. They seem to congregate together more often, rarely being found outside of groupings like those that have attacked the half-blood camps but no reason behind it can be deciphered."

Athena shook off the embarrassment of being caught not paying attention.

"What can we do? The ancient laws prevent direct interference. Perhaps we need to help them with the coordination of their defenses. Other than that, we cannot interfere."

Zeus frowned. He had hoped for a more helpful response but knew she was correct.

"The problem is not with how we can help our kids. The main issue is we need to figure out why the monsters are attacking and acting the way they are." Hermes interjected. "If we can figure out what's going on, then we can help our kids out by letting them know what they are up against."

The council murmured their agreement but they had mentioned this before. The fact was that they were at a loss. Both Gaea and Kronos were not possible. The Titan was scattered to the winds and the earth goddess in a slumber she couldn't hope to wake from for millennia. The other Titans were all accounted for leaving the immortals of Olympus at a loss for what could be the reason behind the organized attacks.

"Why don't you bring the camp leaders to Olympus? We can work with them on the defenses of camp." Athena asked after the silence had gone on long enough.

Zeus looked around the throne room, but when he saw no objections, he nodded to Hermes who vanished from his throne in flash of golden light.

A few minutes later the god of messengers returned with three demigods; a darkly dressed male who looked around maybe eighteen or nineteen and two teens who looked slightly older. One had startling blue eyes, blonde hair and a scar on his lip. The last was an attractive female with dark hair and eyes that seemed to be constantly changing color.

The three demigods bowed to the gods before rising and looking around wondering why they were there.

Zeus opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Athena who was looking at Hermes with confusion.

"Where is Jackson?"

The messenger god frowned, "What do you mean? He doesn't live at camp anymore."

Athena looked to the god seated beside her father. Poseidon merely shook his head.

"Perseus could not bear the memories he had in camp. He left shortly after the end of the war. He is fine but we have not spoken for some time." His voice held a hint of sadness but he knew his son was just trying to separate himself from his past.

Zeus looked slightly alarmed by this news. "Where is he? Why was I not made aware that he no longer resided at the demigod camp?"

Poseidon glared at his younger brother, knowing his mind was already wandering to what Percy could be up to without his knowledge.

"Like I said, I don't know. The last time we spoke was over a year ago. He needed some time to deal with the loss of friends and loved ones in the war. I have no idea where he is at the moment."

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