The Morning After the Night Before

Start from the beginning

Chris spent most of the rest of the day walking around as if he’d just one the lottery. Not even PJ heading back over to re-join his friends at the Ravenclaw table could dampen his spirits, and he walked with a spring in his step that soon became infuriating to the grumpy and aching Phil.

“Oh my god. Can you go take your happiness somewhere else please. I am no longer happy for you in any way, you’re so annoying.” He muttered after Chris had attempted a little jump of joy but lost his footing on the staircase and tumbled into Phil.

Chris responded by bursting into a cheerful chorus of ‘Happy as a Hippogriff’ and wrapping Phil in a bear hug.


“What do you think it means though?”

“I really don’t know, Chris.” Phil said tiredly. It felt like the hundredth time they had analysed PJ’s words to Chris, but he ploughed onwards once more.

“I mean, he was joking about threesomes. Does that mean he likes me? He came and sat next to me and everything but I don’t know where that puts us, you know? I mean, he said he was nervous about asking me to dance. But after you’ve danced with someone does that mean you’re seeing each other or what? I wish he’d just propose already.” Chris sighed dramatically.

Phil looked at Dan, as if to say ‘your turn’, and Dan sighed. “We’ve been through this Chris, we don’t know what it meant. I reckon just take it as it comes. He seems pretty friendly towards you, but until it’s anything more you shouldn’t let yourself worry.”

Chris ran his fingers through his hair. “I know but like, there was lots of hugging. And hand holding. Does that mean he likes me? Or was it like he said, drunk and messing about? Just because he’s bisexual doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a preference for girls. He probably doesn’t like me, I mean he only said he wanted to be ‘friends’ with me and if he wanted more surely he’d have said it?”

“I don’t know, Chris.”

“He’s so hard to read. There were times last night where I swear I thought he was going to kiss me. And he came over to sit with us this morning. Like, he sat next to me specifically. Does that means friends or something more? And what did he mean about the threesomes bit?”

“I really don’t know, Chris.”

“I mean obviously it was a joke, but surely he wouldn’t have said that if he’d meant just friends? And why did he tell me he was bisexual unless he thought it would matter?”

“I really, really, really, do not know Christopher.”

“He’s so fucking beautiful. And his laugh. He laughs all the time. Making him laugh is the best feeling in the world.”


“The things he says are so funny and so smooth and so abstract. He’s got like, a massively creative mind. I’m just in awe. He doesn’t like me, I’m sure of it. I’m such an idiot compared to him. I mean, he’s in Ravenclaw and everything. What do you think he meant about the threesomes though?”

“Jesus Christ.”


“Oh my god, Chris, just ask him on a date!” Dan threw up his arms in exasperation.

Chris fell suddenly silent, frozen on the chair. “I can’t do that. Can I?”

“Yes, yes you can. That’s exactly what you should do. That’s probably why he came over. You know, because he made the first move so now it’s your turn. He probably was really nervous like ‘right, now to see if he feels the same’ and then you didn’t even do the old ‘I really enjoyed spending time with you last night’ classic. He’s probably heartbroken. You should ask him to do something with you.”

“Do you really think?” Chris asked, horrified.

“I really think. In fact, go do it now. Go on. I saw him in the library like ten minutes ago.”

“I can’t.”

“You can.”

“I really can’t Dan. What if I pass out again?”

“Then maybe he’ll panic and give you the kiss of life.”

“Fuck off Dan.”

“Fuck PJ, Chris.”

“I’m trying.”

“Not very hard.”

“Oh god. I can’t do it.”

“You can. I will come with you.”

“Will you?”

“Yes. Let’s go.”

“What, now?!”

“Yes, now. The longer you leave it the more he’ll think you’re not interested.”

“I can’t do it Dan.”

“Yes you can. Come on.”

“Get off me! No, I can’t oh my god Dan let go I can’t do it!”

“I’ll do it for you if I have to.”

“No, Dan don’t you dare, I hate you so much, what if he- oh. Hey Peej.” Chris’s voice jumped three octaves into a squeak as he almost walked straight into PJ in the corridor.

“Oh, hey guys. How you doing?” PJ’s expression was warm, and his eyes flickered to Chris.

“Good thanks Peej, Chris wanted to ask you something,” Dan smiled serenely.

“No I didn’t.” Chris hissed.

“Yes you do. Go on. I’ll turn around and pretend I can’t hear if you want.” Dan said stubbornly.

Chris opened and closed his mouth a couple of times like a goldfish. PJ waited patiently, an amused grin playing across his lips.


“I’m doing it, shut up Dan. I hate you so much. Oh God. Um, yeah, Peej. I, er…”

“I’m on a bit of a tight schedule here Chris my boy, I may have to hurry you.” PJ laughed.

“Yes, I, um, sorry yeah. The thing is. I was wondering if you wanted to… I mean I totally understand if not don’t get me wrong here I’m not suggesting… just like, I mean, you know nothing serious or anything, just like, to get to know each other and stuff… I mean, I don’t mean like-”

Chris was cut off abruptly as PJ leaned forwards in one swift motion, taking Chris’s cheek in his hand and pulling their lips together into a kiss. Gently, PJ pulled away, the amused smile still in place.

“Oh.” Chris said.

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