The Morning After the Night Before

Start from the beginning

Chris groaned. “Shit Phil, is it on the bed somewhere? It’s not in my robes and I can’t see it on the floor.”

“I’ll look,” Phil whispered, rummaging through the mess of fabrics. His movement stirred Dan however, who sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.

“Ow?” He said.

Phil laughed. “How you feeling?”

“Everything hurts. Why does everything hurt?”

“How’s your head?” Chris asked sympathetically. “But shush please, I don’t want to wake this here fallen angel - whom I seem to have woken up next to. It’s a miracle. I may still be dreaming though, I haven’t decided yet.”

Dan grinned down at him. “My head is fine. A bit heavy maybe. Congrats Christos, about bloody time.”

Chris beamed. Beside him, PJ shifted.

“My wand Phil, quick!” Chris said softly yet urgently.


“Thanks. Oh god. My head hurts. What’s the spell?”

“Erm, try ‘Ora Recentes’.” Phil murmured.

Chris whispered hurriedly, pointing his wand at his mouth, and was jet-propelled backwards into the pillows with a thump.

“Chris?” Phil gasped. “You okay?”

“Fine,” Chris’s voice was muffled by the fabric. “I think I might literally have exploded a whole mint tree in my mouth. But fine.”

Phil giggled quietly. “Now you really do need to fix your hair.”


Chris was running generous quantities of Wizard’s Sculpting Gel through his hair with his fingers when PJ rolled over with a yawn. He opened his eyes blearily, stretching his long arms above his head and twisting on the floor before smiling up at Chris.

Dan shook his head in disbelief. Somehow, despite having just woken up, PJ still managed to pull off the rugged, ruffled and helplessly attractive look perfected only by the models in Witch Weekly. His smile was warm and there was a light in his eye, as if slightly amused by what he was seeing. He yawned again, uncurling his legs to stretch and it was only then that Dan realised just how ridiculously long PJ’s legs were – his socks were protruding out from the other side of the double bed.

There was a strange, choking noise from the floor and Dan raised his eyebrows at Chris. His face had gone almost completely white and his mouth was hanging open as he stared at PJ’s gangly frame. PJ had heard too, and he turned to Chris with concern in his sparkling green eyes.

“You okay?” He frowned, propping himself up on one elbow to rub Chris’s shoulder.

The contact was too much for Chris, and he keeled over in a dead faint.


Dan and Phil teased Chris mercilessly all the way down to breakfast. PJ had refused to leave until Chris finally managed to convince him that he really was okay (“It’s just the hangover, you know, because I just woke up and I’m dehydrated and stuff. I’m fine I swear, I don’t need to go to Madam Pomfrey. Shut up Dan. I’m fine Peej, I swear.”) before heading off to the Ravenclaw dormitories to get changed. Chris decided to complete his walk of shame and went down to the Great Hall in his crumpled dress robes, but only after Phil had insisted on spraying him with a rose essence spell before he would stand next to him.

When PJ wandered in, looking sharp again with a group of his friends, Chris buried his head in shame. To his horror, PJ abandoned his friends and sat down next to Chris with a grin – grabbing a stack of toast.

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