Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The sun was shining through the curtain crack entering my eyes waking me up. I turned and stared at my small black clock that was sitting on my dresser, it read 08:00am so I turned around groaning only to find that Sophie was missing. My face filled with puzzlement as I wondered where Sophie got to. I sat up and stretched like I was giving a big hug or embracing the sunshine. I stumbled out of bed then walked in a tired fashion to my walk-in wardrobe to get dressed into a pair of dark blue denim jeans and a black shirt that said ‘Do unto others’ and a logo of a fist clutching the Earth with such a force making cracks appear by the fingers, a pair of black and white trainers with the Nike tick on the sides. I walked out of the master bedroom and into the living room to find a very beautiful woman playing with Ryder; of course that woman was Sophie in her immaculate blue dress and Amethyst necklace that glittered in the sunlight. I smiled to see Ryder laughing with Sophie. Not wanting to disturb them I went into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I had some Rice Krispies cereal with a lot of milk and a sprinkle of sugar to sweeten it.

I walked into the front room after finishing my cereal and sat down next to Sophie giving her a kiss. “Morning babe, how are you?” I asked as I turned on the TV to CNN news channel. “I’m good, how are you?”

“I’m good” I said smiling. The news was showing a building with smoke coming out of any gap available with fire trucks, ambulances and S.W.A.T vans parked outside and the sound of an alarm going of all being viewed from a helicopter. The building was a jewellers store called ‘The Bling’ which was a place where guys would buy their jewellery. I lean forwards intrigued by the up coming events. As I looked around the building site I immediately recognised the area and ran over to the east corner of the room and quickly searched the surroundings finally finding the smoke about a mile away. I opened the window and stood on the window sill. “Conor what are you doing?” Sophie asked standing up in worry, I turned to face her and with a voice like thunder. “I’m going werewolf” as I jumped out of the building grinning; about mid flight my clothes started to shred and tear and hair formed all around my body as my muscles grew five times bigger then original. I landed on the ground with a big thud shaking the ground causing cracks all over the impact zone. I dashed down the streets jumping over cars and bikes and swerving around pedestrians. I reached the street where everything was happening leaping over the police blocks then stopping in front of the jeweller’s store. Police and S.W.A.T men were now pointing their guns in my directions but I didn’t care and ran inside the building, from outside all you could hear was some gun shots and screaming then silence. I walked out of the building dragging three men knocked out of consciousness and placed them in front of the police. Releasing a grunt I climbed up the building behind me to the roof very fast leaving news reporters and camera men baffled to what has just happened.

I clambered through the window rolling in the front room only wearing my boxers as I was in human form now. “Conor I watched everything on TV what was up with that?” Sophie asked hugging me now. “You know just being my old self, a werewolf. I think being an assassin has made me a bit rusty though after all this time so when I’ve finally killed Hooshing I will quit being an assassin” I said panting now before collapsing on the floor with blood coming from my arm. Next time I woke up I was lying in a bed with a bandage around my arm. I squinted in the sudden light and looked around finding a worried Sophie crouching by the bed side holding my hand. “Conor you’re finally awake. How you feeling?” Sophie asked hugging me tightly. I grunted under her tight grip. “I’m okay babe just a little tired” I said hugging Sophie back. “Okay babe, I will go”

“No, stay”

“Okay” she said smiling lying next to me.

“So what now?” I asked as we lay in bed staring at the ceiling, the light was eerie and gave a sense of tension but that was put down by Sophie turning over and smiling at me with her gorgeous eyes and amazing brown hair. “Well I'm going to go check on things around the house, come with?” Sophie said softly as she got up and walked over to the door without making a sound, I got up too and went over to the door right behind Sophie as we walked into the living room, she then went over to the kitchen and got some pans out then went to the fridge and got out some packets of what looked like bacon, maybe cheese. But I wasn’t sure so I turned myself around and looked at the T.V. the news showed repeats of me going into the jewellers and getting the men out then running away. The headlines were scrolling along the bottom; they said ‘Who is this mystery being’?’ and ‘what was this creature? I switched off the T.V. and went to check on Ryder as he lay in his cot; still asleep I though as I smiled at him then I got a sudden beeping from my pocket. It was from my phone from Ben. I quickly left the room and into my study then answered the phone. “Hello Ben, what is it?”

“We have found Hooshing; I’m faxing you the co-ordinates now as we speak quickly get to them ASAP.”

“Okay Ben I will, see you in a bit”

“Okay bye” Ben said as I ended the call, I walked back into the living room and found a worried looking Sophie standing in the Kitchen.

“What was that about?” She asked

“I have to go, now” I said quickly walking into the bedroom. I got dressed as fast as I could and ran to my study grabbing the co-ordinates, looked at them then ran to the balcony to jump off. My glider opened and I paraglided to the destination. My glider couldn’t make it all the way so I landed on top of a building then started running across them at speeds unimaginable. As I reached my destination I saw my team standing around on a building but it was across the road. The only way across was to jump. I went to the edge of the building and looked down to the roaring traffic. It was about a 50ft drop, one that would kill you if not made; I took a deep breath and walked to the back of the building, got myself ready and sprinted to the edge. My foot touched the edge and I leaped forward waving my arms around for balance. My body slammed into the side of the building as I gripped onto the bricks and a window frame. I looked down to see people looking up at me in amazement and puzzlement, some with shock but I ignored them and climbed up the building face to meet the team.

“So you called” I said joking around, the team laughed then went all serious as Ben stepped forward. “Glad you could make it under a minute, not bad. Now down to business, Hooshing has been located in the building half a click in this direction” Ben said pointing to where Hooshing was supposedly hiding. “Okay so what do we do now?” I asked Ben “We wait around in certain positions to make sure Hooshing is actually in that building unlike last time when it was just a guy in a costume”

“Okay well lets get into position” I said, everyone got up as we all started to dash to our positions, jumping over roads and running on telephone wires somehow until we finally got into position. All we have to do is wait.

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