Chapter 14.

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I clutched the pregnancy tests in my hands tightly as I examined the two red lines that adorned both of them. They slipped from my hand, making a clattering sound in the sink. My eyes met my reflection in the mirror and I flinched at my expression. How could this be happening to me?

I grabbed the two tests and threw them into the bin in the bathroom. "I refuse to believe it," I muttered, shutting the bathroom door behind me.

"Refuse to believe what hunny?" said a voice, I looked up to be met with my mother sitting on my bed. What the hell is she doing here?

"Mum?" I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"I heard that my mother died," my mother said, her voice held no emotion, "And that you were back in town."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

"I got a letter, saying that Gran's will reading is next week, so I thought I should be here."

I rolled my eyes, "So you are here for your inheritance, makes sense," I said shaking my head, "I mean you didn't even care when your son and husband died, so why would you care if your mother died, unless there was something in it for you."

"That's not fair Braelynn," she said, "You know your father and I were having problems."

"You didn't even go to their funerals mum, you cannot honestly stand there and say they mattered to you," I yelled, "Ethan was your son and you didn't even say goodbye, you didn't visit me in the hospital after the accident, or your own mother when she was laying sick, taking her final breaths."

"I should just go then, is that it? Because it's obvious that you don't want me here."

"What? So you have nothing to say? No explaination? No nothing?" I said.

"What do you want me to say Braelynn? I'm sorry that your dad is dead? I'm sorry I wasn't there to support you after everything okay. I was hurting too, but unlike you I didn't run away to Australia to escape my problems," she said bitterly.

"Didn't you?" I shouted, "Where were you then? Because you weren't with me, you weren't with your only family." Her hand collided with the side of my face.

I clenched my jaw to relieve the sting from the slap, "I'm so sorry Braelynn," she said but I cut her off before she could continue.

"Get out," I said calmly.

"Braelynn hunny I'm so sorry," she said, ignoring my words.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" I yelled, pointing to my bedroom door.

My mother took a deep breath before walking out, never looking back at me.

As soon as I heard the front door slam, I fell to my knees as I sobbed into my hands.

How could she do this to me? After three years of no contact, just to appear out of nowhere like that? What? Does she think that this time is going to be different? Because I'm sure it's not.

I stood from my position on the floor and walked into the bathroom. I soaked a hand towel in cold water as I examined my face, my eyes were red and blotchy from crying and my cheek where she had hit me was beginning to bruise. I held the damp cloth to my cheek as I sat on my bed.

I found Harry's number almost immediately as I pressed the phone to my ear, it rang three times before Harry answered, "Hello Brae."

"Hi Harry," I said, my voice hoarse as I held back more tears.

"Braelynn? What's wrong? What's happened?" he asked and my voice cracked as I failed my attempt at not crying, "I'm on my way," he said.

I hung up the phone and dropped the hand towel on the floor. I put my head in my hands.

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