Chapter 8- A Bit Protective?

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Jacks POV

"Didn't you come to bed last night?"

I looked up to see (y/n).

"Um...I fell asleep scrolling through Twitter, sorry,"

At least you noticed my absence, right?

"Ok then, but tonight come to bed. It was cold without you,"

I turn back to the TV.


After that I heard her head to the kitchen, probably to leave me to whatever I was watching. But honestly, I didn't even know what I was watching, I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about what Connor had said to me that it before

~flashback to last night~

"So, um, I noticed that you seem kind of out of it lately," Connor started off.

"Oh, really?"

"Yah, and I was thinking that it may be because I am with (y/n) a lot lately. So if you ever want to spend time with (y/n) and I'm with her, you can just take her," he smiled and pat me on the shoulder.

I just smiled and brushed his hand off

"Thank you, but I'd like to think that since I am her boyfriend I can spend time with her whenever I want. However, I don't take her away all to myself because she seems happy spending time with you and all I want is for her to be happy. Also, thanks for noticing but... that's not the reason why I may seem "out of it". I just have a lot of work to do as of lately"

"Oh, really? I was worried there for a bit because I thought you were kind of like a possessive boyfriend, you know, not letting your girlfriend have any guy friends. I'm glad you're such a nice and understanding friend," he kept on smiling.

"Oh, did I seem possessive? I'm sorry," I faked a smile,"However, don't misinterpret me. I definitely have noticed the rather frequently vacancy of do to you. But I'd appreciate it if I could have a healthy relationship with my girlfriend without seeming like a dickhead,"

"Oh, but you wouldn't take my only friend away for me, would you?"

"Only friend? What about Felix and Ken? What happened to them being your friends?"

"Well, we aren't that close of friends,"

"You seem pretty close and we first met,"

"Oh, really? That's interesting. I had only met them not long before I met you and (y/n),"

"Ah, of course,"

We then stood in awkward silence for a few seconds

"You are still coming with us to the carnival, right?" He smirked

"Absolutely," I forced a smiled, "I love carnivals, don't you know?"

"Oh really? Even with that fear of heights of yours?"

"Psh, it's only a tiny fear, I can deal with those tiny rides at carnivals,"

"Ok, dude, see you in a few days then,"

"Right back at'cha,"

I didn't wait to see him leave I went straight upstairs, hands slightly shaking. Dude my ass. There is no way I'll be able o befriend the guy, even if I tried. He just frustrates me so much. How can (y/n) even see him as a friend? But did I seem too harsh? Of course I wanted him to get the message that I didn't like him hanging around with (y/n). But did I go too far? I don't know, I shouldn't care too much. He just angered me so mush. Also, if I were to be completely honest, I'm actually really terrified of anything that goes above 5 stories. But I am not gonna let (y/n) go alone to a carnival with this guy.

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