"Shoot him!" I hear Mario scream and then watch him run off into the truck that holds all the containers, the innocent lives. I'm not letting that bastard go!

The gang shoots at me but Ollie shoots them all down with arrows. I quickly follow the route of the truck and see that he's leaving the docks.

"He's mine!" I yell at Ollie so that Ollie can focus on the goons. I quickly run jumping on every container to get to Mario faster before he leaves. This is my only chance to stop him. To save those women.

I stand on a container waiting for the truck to get close to me and as it does, I continue running and then jump across the air. I then land on top of the actual truck and see the bolt as it holds the container and truck together.

I throw a small sticky explosive to the bolt and the explosive lands on the bolt perfectly. The explosive then explodes and the container breaks free from the truck and slides through the road safely leaving the women, safe.

I then hop on the hood of the truck and see Mario driving but he doesn't recognize me due to the mask. Mario gives me a mean look and takes out a gun and shoots me but misses me.

"SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE." I shatter Mario's truck windows and Mario quickly presses the breaks on the truck causing me to fly off to the ground. I crash on the ground on my back and groan loudly.

Mario's truck stops and I watch him hop out of it. Mario takes out his gun as he is bleeding heavily around his head from my scream.

"You sure are a fighter little screaming Spartan." Mario says as he laughs and arms his gun clicking it. "Too bad you won't live long enough to learn how to use that scream." Mario says and aims the gun at me as I stare at him and laugh. "What's so funny wonder boy?" Mario asks as he continues aiming the gun at me. He's no killer, if he was, he would've killed me by now.

"Didn't you hear?" I ask him to gain me some time to regain my voice for a trick I have up my sleeve.

"Hear what?" He asks me raising an eyebrow still aiming the gun at me. He won't shoot.

"I'm the Black damn Canary." I say with a small smirk and blast my scream at him. "AAIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." I scream and see the sound waves blasting him to the ground.

I quickly get back up as he is done, he's out. I walk towards him and see the gun and kick it away from him. I then walk closer to him and look down at him as he looks up at me in anger.

"It's over Mario." I tell him as I watch him pass out. I then hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Green Arrow. I look at him and smile lightly knowing that I stopped one of Falcone's children.

"Sara and Laurel would've been proud of you." Ollie says in his voice changer and I stare at him and he looks down at me proudly. I then look at the 3 containers that are filled with the women.

"Help me free them." I tell Ollie and Ollie follows me as I run to the containers. Ollie and I stop at the entrance of the containers and Ollie shoots an arrow at all the doors and they explode in sync.

I quickly open the doors and see the women sitting on the floor dirty and afraid. I look at them as they're scared and then they look at me and they suddenly don't fear anything anymore.

"You girls alright?" I ask in a soft calming voice to keep them safe and sound now. "C'mon out there's nothing to be scared of." I say and they all run out and as they do I watch them step out the container free at last. They hug each other and cry in tears of joy.

"Thank you." I hear a voice from behind me and I turn around to see a woman who's pregnant. She lays her hand on my shoulder and I smile lightly as she does too with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much. You saved our lives from them." She says and all the other women stare at me happily and as they do, I feel proud. There's nothing that compares any feeling to how proud I am for saving the lives of these innocent women.

"It is my duty to fight for those who cannot fight." I say standing proudly starring at the women as they cheer me.

"What is your name?" I hear a woman speak and I look to where Ollie is to see him not here but on a building starring down at me from afar.

"I am Black Canary." I say starring at Ollie and then stare back at the women. I then hear police sirens coming in and the women get distracted and stare at the cops pulling into the docks. I quickly disappear knowing that they're safe with the cops, and know that Mario and his gang will be taken care of from here.

I run off somewhere near by and watch the cops talk to them. As another cop car pulls in i see the police officer walk out and I notice it's David.

"It was The Black Canary, he saved us!" I hear one the women speak to David and David smiles and looks around for me and I continue hiding in the shadows as I watch him. David looks around and he knows, he knows something.

"He was right, what he does is not up to me." David says as I hear his voice echo with pride in his voice. I smile lightly and then he takes care of the women like I knew he would. He's a good man.

I then turn around back into the shadows and disappear into the darkness escaping the moment.

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