Chapter 1

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*Author's note. Everyone is the same age as they are when you play the game despite Alduin being killed earlier. I know that might not make a lot of sense. Sorry.

**Disclaimer: Everything recognizable is owned by Bethesda Game Studios. Arsha and a few others are my own creations.

***Spoilers: The story follows the Thieves Guild quest line. If you don't want to know what happens, don't read it.

****Another author's note ( I swear the chapters usually only have one up here): This is the revised and edited version of Claimed. If this is your first time reading, enjoy! If not, there aren't any major changes to the story until about chapter twenty seven or so, so you could skip ahead to there if you want, or you could reread it. I'm happy either way!

She had had a very bad day. An important contract had gone awry and she was in a deadly mood. She was very eager to crash into her bed and get the day over with. Hurriedly, she moved to unlock the door, but as she pushed on the handle the door swung open. She had locked the door when she had left last night, she was certain. Moving cautiously, she stepped through the door, drawing her twin glass daggers as did. Her bedroom and kitchen were spotless, exactly as she had left them. That meant that whoever was in her house was either an assassin, which was highly unlikely or a thief after something very specific. She had more wealth than most people could ever dream of, but the only thing worth risking her wrath for was her collection of deadric artifacts.

Silently she made her way down the stairs, stalking toward the room that held her artifacts on soundless feet. Inside the dim room, she could make out the figure of a person bent over one of the display cases. She made her way towards the figure, but they must have heard them coming, for the thief whirled around, drawing their own pair of daggers that glinted in the dim light. The thief, who was a young nord by his build, was tense, watching her with anxious eyes.

His anxiety was well founded, after all, everyone knew what happened when you crossed the Dragonborn. Lips parted in a sinister grin, she stepped into the light of a flickering candle. "Well, thief," she purred, her voice sickly sweet, "why don't you give back what you've stolen and I won't hurt you...much." The thief didn't respond, keeping his defensive stance.

"Very well," she said darkly, "I will take back what is mine," She lunged at him, her daggers flashing. The thief met her blows, but she had the strength of countless dragon souls fueling her. Before long, he staggered from the force of her attacks, and she pushed her advantage. Her daggers slipped past his feeble defense and tore through the armor at his chest, causing the thief to stumble away from her.

She stalked toward him, and as she closed in on the young thief, she saw a flash of determination in his green eyes. Her lips twisted into a grin as she realized that the poor thief thought he had a chance to beat her. She would enjoy crushing that hope, and crush it she would.

The nord lunged at her, but his swings were wild and uncontrolled. The young thief had likely never been in a true fight before. She blocked the blows easily and sliced two more red lines across his chest. The stubborn nord refused to give up, however, instead striking again harder and faster.

One of his blows, by pure chance, managed to glance the Dragonborn's shoulder. His blade barely cut through her armor, but it angered her nonetheless. She blocked the thief's next attacks in a series of swift movements, the man barely managing to keep up with her strikes. Then she shouted, "Gaan Lah Haas!" The thief dropped his daggers, his fingers suddenly too weak to grip them. His knees buckled and he fell to the floor with a crash.

Claimed: A Thieves Guild Fanfiction [Revised&Edited]Where stories live. Discover now