23 - Back To Hogwarts

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"Draco, are you sure you took us to the right place?" Hermione asked me, still in sock.

"Yup, this looks like about right. Should we get on?"

"Wait, what? We're actually going back?"

"I knew that you didn't want to come to the apartment with us for break before we even left. And I realized that last night you wouldn't have any fun unless you were completely waisted. I didn't want you turning into a alcoholic for me."

"I was that bad, huh?" she asked, blushing. I shrugged, but she already knew.

"So I thought we'd come back. Not many others were staying I don't think, so why not?"

"I guess I can't argue with that. But what about our things?"

"Already at school," I said rather proudly. "Had them sent there by owl." She gave a little laugh and shook her head, smiling up at me. "You first m'lady," I bowed, gesturing to the train.

"Why thank you, kind sir," she laughed, taking the hand I had extended. I helped her up the step then followed after, shedding my coat. I took her jacket off her shoulders gently and threw them on the hook in the hallway.

"Where would you like to sit?" I asked her as she unraveled her scarf from around her neck.

"How about... the seat we sat in before."


"Yeah, at the beginning of the year. When we made the truce with Ginny and Blaise." She tossed her head in the direction of the compartments.

"Well, they don't call you the brightest witch of your age for nothing, do they?" I smirked as we started to head off to our seat.

"Guess not." When we arrived at the compartment it looked exactly the same as we had left it before. I took my seat and she took hers across from me, just as we had. "Draco-"

"No, don't say anything. Not yet." I got up and pulled a galleon from my pocket and poked my head into the hallway. Hermione looked on curiously, but said nothing. The minute a caught a glimpse of the trolleys wheel, I waved the woman down.

"Anything from the trolley, Dears?"

I noticed that a few Muggle candies had been added and nodded Hermione towards them.

"I'll take a double decker, lion bar, bag of jelly tots, and two pumpkin pasties, please," Hermione smiled.

"Chocolate wand, acid pop, and I'll try a lion bar aswell," I finished, handing the elderly woman the galleon. She have us our candy, then left. We spread out our snacks over our seats, looking them over.

"Lion bars are my absolute favorite candy," she told me, unwrapping hers and taking a bite.

"Sounded intriguing, but now I feel like they're more of a Gryffindor thing. Trade you it for a pumpkin pastie."

"Sold." We exchanged our food, then I began shoving the others into my pocket. If I ate that much candy it'd be Hell for the both of us. She didn't finish either, leaving the curious bag of colorful beans and other wrapped bar. "So, can I talk now?" she asked once we were both settled with our pastries in our hands.

"Go ahead."

"Draco... why are you doing all this for me? I mean-"

"I'm doing this for you because I care about you. I knew you were unhappy, and I hated that, so I changed it."

"But why? Why go to all these lengths to make me happy?"

I thought for a minute. "Remeber at the beginning of the year, after our first quidditch game when you were in the hospital wing. Ginny told me that I meant a great deal to you. Well, you mean just as much to me. Hermione, you are my best friend, even better than Blaise, and I'd do anything for you. And this? This is just a early Christmas present, from me."

She gave a short laugh. "And to think a year ago I thought you hated me."

"Do you even know why I hated you?"

"Because of my blood?"

"No. Not at all. It's because you made me question everything they ever told me. See, they told me Muggleborns were scum, that they were a disgrace to the magical world and should be looked down upon. But you? You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. You couldn't be ignored like father had said. You were smart, beat me into second place in every class, and you did the most brave and amazing things. You weren't what they said a Muggleborn was and that, well that scared me."

"I scared you?" I nodded, slightly surprised at what I had just admitted. "Oh, Draco." She got up out of her seat and joined me in mine, slipping onto my lap. Her arms came around my neck and mine to her back to keep her from falling. The kiss that followed might have been the best we've ever shared, and must have lasted a few minutes. "You know," she stared, pulling back and resting her forehead on mine. "I think I just came up with the best Christmas present for you too."

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I smirked, kissing the tip of her freckled nose which made her laugh a little.

"You'll find out on Christmas day."

"But I want to know now," I whined, pressing more kisses to her face and neck, hoping to coax an answer out of her. She seemed to enjoy the flattery, but wasn't giving in.

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to wait." She fell off my lap and onto the seat next to me, her arms still around my neck. I pulled her in close and savored the feeling.

"You know, it's almost one in the morning. We could get some sleep. I'm sure the trolley lady wouldn't mind."

Her devilish smile matched mine. "Are we actually going to sleep?"

"As much as I would love to say no, I am exhausted. And I know you must be too after last night and today. I think sleeping would be best," I answered apologetically. She just smiled kindly in return.

"You're right. As much as I hate to say it, you probably know better than I do. But where are me going to sleep? There aren't any sleeping cars anymore."

"Guess we'll be sleeping right here," I said, conjuring up a blanket. I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my dress shirt, throwing it on the other seat. She followed suit, taking her boots off and pulling her arms out of her favorite sweater that she had put on at the light show.

"So we're sleeping on a train now? Where has my life gone?"

"I'm sure you'll be just fine. I'm right here," I told her, getting up and pulling on the light cord. I locked the door and closed the shade for it and the window. Meanwhile, Hermione had conjured us some pillows and another blanket that she had wrapped around herself.

When I sat down I was surprised. The seat felt soft and bouncy like a mattress, not like how firm it usually was. Hermione held up her wand and smiled. I rolled my eyes and leaned  back onto the seat.

"So, I guess this is goodnight then?"

"Not yet." I moved so that I was the closest to the window with my back to the wall. Again, she slipped onto my lap and I kicked my legs up on the seat. I pulled a pillow beneath my head and put one at the arch of my back while she covered us with the other blanket. "Now we say goodnight."

She snuggled into my chest. "Goodnight, Draco."

"Night, Hermione."


A few hours later I woke up to a constant movement on top of me. Hermione was shifting uncomfortably against my rib cage. I had to bite my lip to keep from yelling out in pain.

Then I noticed that her face was stained with tears and her forehead was wrinkled in fear.

"Hermione. Hermione!" I whispered, shaking her softly. She immediately woke up, a startled look in her eyes and her face, pure terror. But when she saw that it was me, she calmed. "Are you alright, darling?"

She nodded, still trying to catch her breath. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry if I woke you."

"No problem. Are you gonna go back to sleep?"


"Okay, then. Sleep well?"

"I will."

She laid back on top of me, but I knew she wasn't trying to sleep. I wrapped my arm around her tiny waist and kissed her forehead, then relaxed into the seat and fell back into sleep.

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