20 - Let's Go Out Tonight

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I wasn't sure if Hermione liked our apartment. She might have but she wasn't the easiest to read. Her lip had returned to normal but the others had noticed it while it was still swollen. That wasn't easy to explain.

Now Theo lounged on the couch, laying back and yawning. "I'm so bored!" he muttered, exaggerating 'so'.

"We've only been here for an hour and we've spent most of it unpacking, picking rooms, and watching Draco attempt to order pizza the Muggle way," Blaise countered, but he too had relaxed lazily in the place on the floor.

"I hate to say it, but I'm starting to think we should have stayed at school," I groaned, falling into the chair besides the couch.

"That's it! We've gone so far as to harm Draco's health! Granger, check his pulse, make sure he'll make it," Pansy commanded. We all laughed but Hermione did do as instructed and took my hand in hers, putting two fingers at my wrist.

"I got it! I know what we can do!" Pansy yelled, jumping up from her seat.

"What!?" we asked eagerly.

"Let's go out tonight."


In the neon lights of the club, Hermione's face was lit up. Not gonna lie, she looked beautiful. Sexy, but beautiful.

She wore skin tight, apple bottom jeans and a seductive, lacy red top that exposed her belly button and tight waist. Pansy had straightened her hair but a few small curls still stayed. She had a light bit of makeup on, but it still made her eyes and lips stand out. If it was possible, I liked her even more now.

Pansy looked similar, but her makeup was a but more dramatic and she wore a snug black dress that went a bit higher than mid thigh. She had worn dresses like these before, but never in black.

Beside my girlfriend I felt a bit underdressed with my jeans, Nike's, and expensive leather jacket over my plain white tee. Blaise looked similar with a green polo, jeans, and he too had Nike's. Theo, however, had boots, jeans, a leather jacket, probably mine, and no shirt. Smooth Theo, real smooth.

Our appearances made us look rich and experienced, which we were. But the message was clear, we were no strangers to clubbing, not even Hermione.

The waiter, if you could even call him that, had already brought us our drinks and left so now we were the only ones sitting at tables. Everyone else was at the bar or dancing and none of us were in that mood right now.

"So Hermione, how have you been liking quidditch with us?" Blaise asked, taking another sip of his drink.

"Well considering the first time I played I nearly died... But then again, last time I did get to knock Ron off his broom and hit his head on one of the goals, so I'm not sure yet."

"The game is pretty ruff isn't it? But that's part of the point."

"How's your lip?" Pansy asked, applying another generous amount of lip gloss to her mouth.

"Fine. Draco and Pomfrey fixed me up well." She smiled at me sideways, winking so quickly I nearly missed the action.

"So, you and Draco are a thing now?"

I nearly choked on my drink as I set the glass down and laid a heavy fist to my chest. Hermione stumbled over her words, clearing her throat more than once as she spoke, or, tried to.

Pansy smiled at her own cleverness and Blaise laughed at seeing us at loss of words. They knew they had gotten to our core and couldn't be happier about it.

"Come on, did you really think we wouldn't figure it out? We may not be as smart as you two, but we're not stupid."

Hermione and I looked at each other, smiling ever so slightly. In just that brief moment of eye contact, I could ask her if I could tell them, and she could say yes.

I sighed and palmed the back of my neck. "Well, yeah. Kind of..."

"What's that supposed to mean? Are you together, for real, or not?"


"I knew it!" she squealed, taking Hermione's hand and pulling her up to standing. "Come dance with me Granger. You're part of the family now!" Before she could respond, she was dragged away onto the dancefloor.

I snickered with the guys until they got serious. "It's about time you guys got together. You've been all lovey dovey since the beginning of the year."

"Just like you and Ginny?"

Blaise turned red while Theo shook his head. "See, that's why I like being a free agent. I don't have to worry about this stuff."

"Oh shove off Theo," I laughed, taking another sip.

"Well, I promised Ginny I'd call her tonight, so I'll see you two later." Blaise waved to us before standing and heading for the door, already typing something into his phone.

"And then there were two," Theo smiled as I rolled my eyes. "I'm starving. You wanna get something to eat?"

"Can't. I'm on a diet again."

"Come on! You're on a diet, like, every other day!"

"Well I have to stay in shape. Think about my reputation. I may quidditch muscles, but still."

"You aren't any fun no more mate."

"Oh really? Hey! Waiter!" I called, waving down the guy who served us our drinks. "Six rounds of Fire-Whiskey for me and my friend here." I passed him two galleons and he nodded happily, heading over to the bar.

"Ah, there's the Draco Malfoy I know." No sooner did the drinks came were they chugged. Even though the liquid burned my throat, I still loved it, the tingling sensation in my stomach.

Pansy and Hermione came back a few minutes later. Hermione pulled me up while Pans took my seat. "Come dance with me Draco." I grinned and did just that.

The songs seemed to be on a Imagine Dragon playlist, but the alcohol in my system throbbed in my head and blocked out most of the sound.

"Draco? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine Mione," I slurred, tripping over my feet slightly.

"Are you drunk?"



"Yeah, three Fire-Whiskey shots."

"Draco! You can't drink like that!"

"They sober me up," I told her, wiggling my eyebrows. She giggled, licking her own drink doused lips. She pulled me in, or, at least I think she did. Maybe I leaned in? Either way, we ended up kissing, her tasting more like alcohol than I did.

Before I knew it, she was tugging me away from the crowd of sweaty, dancing bodies and to the back hall. She took a moment to find a small closet that looked to have once held brooms, them opened it and shoved me in along with her.

In seconds my jacket and shirt were on the floor and her fingers were working at my belt. Her jeans were so tight I didn't bother with them, instead I was helping her pull her top over her head. She was just unbuttoning my pants when she pulled back sharply, gasping for air.

"Wait. What are we doing?"

"I don't know," I whispered. "But I like it."

"Me too."

I remember locking the door and her pulling me farther into the darkness. Halfway to midnight we apperated back to the apartment, our room we had picked and jumped onto the bed. The rest was a blur. But then morning came the next day...

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