21 - Rude Awakening, literally

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My head pounded. I could feel my hair sticking to my face and neck, it wasn't the most pleasant feeling either. I could feel his heat and his heartbeat against my bare back along with his breath. He was still sleeping, and I wished I was too.

I felt horrible, and ashamed. My memories of the night before were flooding back and I hated every one. Well, I liked them, but I hated them too. Ugh! Get a grip Granger. Ooh, don't yell at yourself, it hurts...

While squinting my eyes against the light from the window and to help my massive headache, I spotted a folded piece of parchment on the side table. With shaking fingers I reached out and plucked it from its place, unfolding it and preparing to read though my eyes jumbled the words together.

Hermione and Draco,

Good morning Lovebirds. Hope you two had a fun night. Pansy, Theo, and I made some pancakes if you guys want some. They're on the counter and you'll be pleased that I figured out how to use a heating charm. Also, please take showers and be fully clothed before you sit on the furniture.

I couldn't help but giggle at that, shifting to sit up and keep the covers over myself one handed, all while trying not to wake up the boy beside me.

Anyways, we'll be out for most of today, emergency. Don't worry, everyone's fine, it's just a thing we like to do our first day back. You would know all about that though and sorry we didn't take you with us, but you seemed preoccupied at the moment. So we'll see you guys tonight with dinner. Lunch is on you though. Have fun!


P.S. Granger, there's a pill on the counter for you, by the coffee pot. Take it, or don't. Your call.


Merlin! Thanks Pansy, I would have totally forgotten. I needed to take that pill as soon as possible, hopefully it will still work. But first, clothes.

My bag was propped up against the wall beneath the window, so, very carefully, I slipped out from under the covers and took the bag, tip toeing into the bathroom attached to Draco's room. I put a hearing charm up, took a quick shower, threw on shorts and a tank top, and shoved my hair into a messy bun, then made my way to the kitchen.

True to Blaise's word, there was a tray of golden pancakes set on the sparkling marble counter. I still hadn't gotten used to the beauty of this apartment, but I was getting there, trying to memorize each room and how to get there, which was sad since this places actually wasn't too big, it just looked it.

Instead of taking one, I quickly snatched up the pill Pasny had left, filled a glass with water, and swallowed it. After that I felt twenty pounds lighter, and could finally breathe a good, deep breath.

Now What? I though, plopping into a seat at the counter. What are we now? What do we do now?


I was just starting to munch on one of Blaise's pancakes when Draco came out of the bedroom, showered, clothed, and with a hand rubbing his forehead.

"Bloody hell this hangover," he groaned, flopping into a chair across from me.

"You okay Malfoy?" I laughed, sipping my tea quietly in the tension.

"What in Merlin's Beard happened last night?" I sighed and took a cup of tea I had made for him and kept warm with a charm from the counter and set it in front of him. He drank greedily then paused, realizing he still hadn't gotten an answer.

"I think we both know the answer to that one, Draco."

"Yes, Hermione, I got that part. But before that. How did it even happen?"

"Uh, it's a magical beverage that couples have been enjoying for years. Alcohol."

"Not helping me here, Granger."

"I honestly don't remember, okay? Yes, for once I don't know something. Happy?"

He pretended to think for a moment, then stood and sidled over to my side of the table. "No. Because you're not happy." With that, he lifted me up and carried me over to the couch. He sat down and sat me on his lap. I smiled to myself.

"How considerate of you."

"I know. I'm just... too kind." As soon as the words left his mouth his lips were on mind, blazing hot and passionate. I dug my fingers into his hair while his arm came around my back and held me too him. His lips travled down my jawline and collarbone, then went to my neck where he found a ticklish spot and kissed before returning to my lips. "Happy yet?" he mumbled against my mouth.

Another wider smile tugged at my lips. I knew he could feel it. That was answer enough. He pulled back with a sly smirk and let me lean on his chest. He kissed me gently on my forehead before snuggling closer to me.

"You know, I think I could do something that will make you even happier."

"Oh really?"


"Seriously, slow down. I have to catch up on my girlfriend duties."

"Oh trust me, from what I can remember of last night, I'm the one who needs to catch up."

I giggled and he slowly got up from the couch, took his wand from the counter, conjured up a piece of paper and a Muggle pen, then scribbled something on it.

"Whatcha doing?"

"You'll see." He flicked his wand again and his trousers turned to pressed blue jeans. He now had a blue button up and leather jacket over his white tee too. He wore the black leather boots I learned that he loved.

He changed my clothes too. The sleeves on my blue tank top grew into ones that covered my knuckles. I had a grey leather jacket that was a bit more on the fashionable side than his was, and jeans. I had boots too, but again they had small heels and were more attractive. I smiled at his selections as he handed me a red and gold scarf. He was already wearing one in sliver and green.

"I assume we are going outside then?"

"You assume correctly. But hopefully we won't be outside for long."

He held out a arm for me to take. I slid my wand into my back pocket and looped my arm around his. The room swirled as he apperated. When the world stopped spinning around us, I gasped at the sight.

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