Chapter 3 - Surprise, surprise

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          He arrived about 55 min. later. The only thing I said to him was,"Took you long enough!" Then everyone got in my truck. Angela was in the back along with Dylan and then Jake was in the front passenger seat beside me. He asked if I wanted him to drive! I couldn't believe him. Of course he shut up when I threatened to, Shove the dang drivin' wheel down his freakin' throat! That seemed to work well.

          Jake has brown hair and gray eyes. He's kinda cute but he disgusts me! He was wearing jeans, a yellow tee and black tennis shoes. Then he finally got the nerve to talk to me,"What's your problem?" Really?! "Um, what exactly do you mean by that, darlin'?" "You're kind of acting like a jerk." "Oh, me?!" I slammed on the brakes. Dylan and Angela were back there screamin' their heads off. Jake calmly said,"I don't think that was necessary, hon' " "I don't think you have the right to call me hon' anymore." "Pfff, whatever." Uaaaagggghhhh! I screamed bloody murder... in my head. 

          I glanced down and saw we didn't have a lot gas, luckily there was a gas station nearby and I turned into it. Angela said she would fill it up while I would go pay. I did when I came back I found Jake waiting, I expected some sort of argument from him... I was right. "So why are you being a jerk again?" "Maybe because you were dating Glade while you were dating me!" "Wow you're still not over that?" "Nope! And I wont ever get over it unless you actually do something about it!" "You know what? I will do something about it." He did something that did not expect... he kissed me. I wanted to kill myself because I found myself enjoying it. When I pulled away in spite I wished I hadn't. I told him,"We are on a strictly professional mission, and... that was the past. Just let it go, Jake, let it go." When I turned away I could feel every ones eyes on me. But what I was really worried about was that I could feel  myself holding on to that moment, exactly what I told him not to do.

          We jumped into the car and after an hour or 2 when Jake finally asked,"Where are we goin'?" "L.A." Then no one talked until we got there. It was kind of a little (really) awkward.

          We climbed up the hill towards the HOLLYWOOD sign. I opened the door behind the "H", Jake grabbed the door,"Ladies first." I went in, then Angela and the boys followed. It was pit black in there. I said,"Does anyone have a-" "Flashlight." Jake said holding one forward. "Yeah." I groaned. I took the flashlight, but didn't need to use it, because Dylan was feeling along the wall and flipped the light switch on. Angela said,"Well... that makes it a littl' bit easier." I smiled,"Yep." Jake said,"Now it's bright enough to see your beautiful face." Angela and Dylan replied with a,"What?" I scoffed and said,  " 'Scuse me? Um, I believe that's unnecessary." Dylan spoke up,"Yeah!" I rose an eyebrow at him and Angela looked at him like he was crazy. Jake says,"Oh, you wanna go short stuff?" Dylan laughed and said,"First of all, short stuff? I'm the same age as you and only 'bout 2 in. shorter than you. Second of all, yeah, sure, where we goin'?" Me and Angela busted out laughin'. Eventually I could say,"Uh, so are you goin' to keep talkin', er... fightin' or what ever it is OR are we gonna save the world?" Angela says,"I vote save the world!" while raising her hand. I say,"I'm up for that. What about you two?" They of course said yes, but kind of had to "persuade" Jake with my fist.

           I tossed the flashlight back to Jake. I sigh, 'cause unfortunately he caught it. We turned to the left and there were two paths. I said,"So do you guys want to split up or what?" "Sure." says Jake. Angela said,"Who's with who?" Jake suggested he goes with me, but I ruled that out. I spoke up ('cause Angela started to threaten people (that means it's gettin' out of hand)), "I choose Angela." Jake and Dylan rolled there eyes and said something like whatever or of course. I don't really know or care soooooooooooooo...

         I started going down the left path when Jake yelled,"WAIT!" and jerked me back. I got spun around and I fell on him (I was practically laying on him). We were face to face. I looked into his sparkling eyes and realizing he would always love me. I got up and helped him up. That's when I realized that he saved my life, a spear would have killed me, but he was one step ahead. I was so confused with my feeling and stuff they were all jumbled up and whatnot. I wasn't in what you would call my "agent mode". I say,"Um, thanks." "Sure thing."

        "So I'm guessing that we're not going that way." says Angela. Then we heard someone scream. I realized that it was me. It was my delayed reaction of freaking out. Jake seemed like he was expecting  it. I guess 'cause he knows me so well, because he wrapped his arms around me and that seems to calm me down. I realized Dylan and Angela were standing there... awkwardly. So I pulled away. I can't even believe that I actually let him hug me, I was kind of stunned.

        We started walking down the hallway. Dylan flipping the lights on when we came to a switch. We walked down the same hallway for a few minutes and then Dylan pulled out his unicorn horn and Jake gasps,"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?" I smirked, 'cause Jake wants one so bad, BUT he doesn't have one. Dylan response,"Uh, I kind of cut it off a unicorn." "Oh my god, that's... AWESOME!" I kind of toned the rest of their conversation, but what I did hear, well all I've got to say is, pff, geeks. I started to talk to Angela.

        "So have you realized that they are both crazy for you?" "Yeah." "Who do you like?" I was about to punch her in the gut for asking such a stupid question when I heard a noise. I realized what it was before anyone else and screamed,"DUCK!" and pushed everyone to the ground and I started to bob and weave. As everyone else hit the ground, darts whizzed past me. I was just letting my body take control, all I remember is that I did a lot of cart wheels, flips, rolls and jumping. It was like a 3D game or a possessed pattern, or something. Roll, jump, flip, jump, roll, cart wheel and repeat.

         When the shooting of (poisonous) darts stopped I was standing at the other side of the hallway and Angela, Jake, and Dylan were starring at me in disbelief/amazement. I say,"Well... that was easy." Angela said,"Apparently." Dylan said,"Whoa... How did you do that?!" Practice hon'" "Awesome!" Geek. Oh well. "Let the adventure continue!"

         We walk quietly down the hallway, not knowing what we'll encounter. When Jake broke the silence,"Well, this is fun! Walking down a hallway, with no clue what were doing." "We're trying to find some keys." "Found 'em." "Hm?" He pointed towards the end of the hall."It can't be that easy." "Apparently it can." Jake grabbed at the keys. Angela and I tackled him at the same time. Then I slapped him for being a moron. "Ow!" He said, gritting his teeth. "Well you should know it's a trap, ya dummy!" "Well I'm sorry I'm not as smart as you." "Me too." 

         Dylan spoke up, "Um, guys? Do you see all the pulleys and wires above us?" "Yeah." "Well judging by the weight of the key I'd say that a quarter will be the same weight." Angela spoke up and said suggestively, "I've got a necklace." She took it out, Dylan glanced at it, "That'll be good." She tossed it to him.

            He looked at the keys, then the necklace. Keys. Necklace. Keys. Necklace. Keys. Necklace. Keys. Necklace. Keys. Necklace. "Will you just do it already!" Yelled Jake. "Okay, okay."

            He quickly switched the necklace for the keys. A few seconds later an alarm went off. "Nice goin' genius!" "I didn't do it!" They were yelling over the blazing alarm. Dylan turned around and saw something, "A video camera! They're watching us! Run!" Angela grabs her necklace and we sprinted down the hallways. We turned. When we got to the door. Locked. So the obvious thing to do for me was to kick the door down. I think I heard Dylan whisper,"Sweet, hot and deadly." I was thinking, well... that's kind of... um... strange.

              We quickly jumped into my truck. Jake still beside me. I didn't have time to critisize him. I shoved the keys in and slammed on the gas. We flew down the road.

              Angela kept mumbling OMG and it soon turned into a scream. I said, "Angela, calm down, Dylan slap her in the face a few times." He was about to too, but Angela screamed,"No! I'm good! I'm okay." "Okay" I smile. Jake tried to put his arm around me, but I punched him in the gut, that shut him up. Dylan snickered, so did Angela. "So where are we going to now?" Jake croaked. I answered,"Lets go back to headquarters to get a better look at these keys." "Sounds good to me." Then he did a really stupid thing, he pressed the rocket booster button. The good news; we got to the Headquarters in 10 minutes, the bad news; it burned the wheels off. I had to punch him in the gut, again, for that one.

  *sorry need to update soon, will later. BTW pleeeez share thoughts (specially Rachel Emily Dani and Heather) if u read this pleeeez tell friends to read i would mean a lot to me, and thanks to you all who have read this or told others to read ;)*

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