chapter one

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ashton's assistant walked down the hall to his room, her heels clicking annoyingly with every step she took. ashton was still in bed. he didn't feel like getting up yet, the even they were having here sounded very boring. what was he to do at an easter egg hunt? he didn't even have children!

after a while of his assistant, elizabeth, scolding him, ashton finally got out of bed. he showered and put on his suit. this one was his favorite.

"we'll need to hurry, honey. it's going to start soon," kate, ashton's wife, mumbled. she was putting on her diamond earrings that he bought her two years before on their anniversary. "you've been late to one big event already. it will never happen again." she turned to him, standing.

ashton chuckled, shaking his head. he walked out, slamming the door. they could not control him. he was the president for god's sake.


ashton was lounging around after the hunt, soaking up some sun. he needed to go up to the pool soon, it would be lovely.

"oh my god, no- petunia, no!" luke squealed, blushing deeply as the huge dog crawled right onto.. holy shit. the president's lap.

luke gasped loudly, picking up his dog. "i'm s-so, so sorry! god, m-my dog does not know h-how to listen. i'm so sorry," he rushed out, his cheeks flushed a deep red. he felt like he was going to pass out.

ashton raised an eyebrow, sitting up. "love, it's fine. it's alright. your dog is precious," he stood up, smiling. the poor boy was so short compared to him. he was also.. very gorgeous. "what's your name?"

luke licked his lips, looking up at the man. he tried not to stare at his lips for too long. this was so embarrassing. fuck his life. "i'm luke hemmings. you are.. ashton irwin. the president of the united states." he mumbled softly, letting out a small laugh. "i'm so sorry, still. i feel really bad. i don't even know how i got out here."

ashton hummed softly, "come with me, it's fine. how old are you, luke? you're look very young. also god, so attractive."

luke giggled softly, "i'm twenty. i'm just short for my age.. and kinda chubby."

"i think you look amazing," ashton nodded, leading luke into the house. "did you come here for the easter egg hunt?"

luke nodded, "yes! i was here with my aunt and um, her kids. i got kind of lost and here i am now."

ashton chuckled, rolling his eyes. he really did like the boy. he was so pretty.. a pretty little feminine boy. he was in a skirt.


ashton had sent luke on his way with his numbers, his private line and public line. he wanted the boy to call him so bad. he was very much attracted to him.

ash wasn't.. gay. but he wasn't straight either. he guessed he was bi, but he had never really been with a guy, so no one had really suspected it. he didn't need to label his sexuality. he was who he was, and who he liked didn't matter.

of course, he has a wife. but.. what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right? he just wanted to try it out, maybe get the boy into bed with him. he'd absolutely fucking love that. luke was gorgeous.


"hello?" ashton spoke into his cellphone, humming.

"hi! it's luke. i'm sorry for calling so soon. i'm just excited," luke giggled softly on the other end of the line.

"ahhh, hello, luke. i've been waiting for your call, love. i wanted to talk to you so bad. it's so boring around here." ashton sat back, licking his lips.

luke bit his lip, grinning. "really? i-i um, i wanted to talk to you really bad too." he was so nervous about this! fuck, he would never have believed that this would ever be happening to him. "so.. i have a question!"

once ashton hummed in approval, luke began again. "do you like me? i am so into you, mr. president. you do have a wife, though. i'm sorry if i'm crossing the line by asking that."

ashton chuckled, "you can call me ashton, sweetheart. well, i do have a wife, you're right. but i'm very into you as well. you're gorgeous. i know this is soon and all but, i'd love to see you again. maybe i could.. take you on a secret little date? would you like that?"

"i would love that! i would really, really love that. also, umm.. ashton is a very sexy name. i love it."

ashton hummed, "thank you. i prefer sir, but we'll wait before getting into that. ah, i've got to go, though, princess. sleep well."

luke blushed, his eyes wide. how did he even reply to that? well, fuck it. "sweet dreams, sir." he spoke into the phone, before hanging up. he held his phone to his chest, letting out a squeal. he was on the phone with the president!

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