Chapter five

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He held out his hand, cautiously I took it.
"Sorry about this"
'Huh, wait what?!'
He grabbed me around my waist with his arms and threw me over his shoulder.
"This will be faster", he explained and was silent again.

After some time cool air brushed my skin. I gasped, it had been so long since I had been outside of that damned prison. It felt like I was being reborn. Now I had left the confinement of that building I was free. Hope bloomed in my chest for the first time in five years. I could live my life again. I could be with Kishou and Akira, just like before all of this.

But I couldn't.

I wasn't who or even what I was before I was taken from my brother and friends. I was different and then it all crashed down on me.

I was not a human anymore, I couldn't find my friends or family in fear of them hating me for what had happened.

He continued to run, the building getting smaller and smaller in the distance until we stopped. He pulled me off of his back and set me on the ground. Once I was on the ground he ran off without a single word, leaving me stranded there in a forest with no sense of direction or any knowledge to my whereabouts. My emotions finally bubbled free.

"Well, SCREW YOU TOO!", I yelled angrily after him.
'Moron, what kind of person leaves me stranded in the middle of a fucking forest, huh!', I continued to rant to myself as I wandered the forest in hopes of finding someone to give me directions to a hotel. Then I remembered I was penny less,
"Well isn't this just great, bloody hell, for gods sake cut me some slack already!". I fumed until I heard a chuckle.

Spinning around I saw a tall man, black hair, pierced ears and a Latin tattoo. 'Wait, what how'd I know that was Latin? Never mind'. With a white mask, that only had crosses for the eyes.
"Who are you?" I said bluntly. He chuckles again.
"You will know in due time, little angel." And with that he leapt in to the trees.
'Great, back to square one again. Just bloody fantastic.'

Time skip

I  had somehow wandered out of the forest and had made my way to a deserted street in a peaceful area. A light above head caught my attention. 'Warm, cold'. Despite my better judgement I went down the steps and turned the door handle, opening the door.

The inside of the bar was like any normal bar but it wreaked of ghouls, 'uh oh, time to go'.
"Didn't think I was gonna get many customers tonight with all the fighting going on, say where 're  you  from." A pink haired woman spoke up from behind the bar.
The two customers turned their heads to see who she was talking to.


The hairs on the back of my neck rose and alarm bells went off in my head as I realised I was in deep shit if they weren't friendly...

 Kurenainotenshi  -紅の天使 -  Tokyo ghoul fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now