Chapter two

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Ai's PoV

Opening my eyes I saw the same red wall I had seen from the moment I awoke after my capture. Looking at the wall I wished that I could reach the shard knives and end the daily torture I would face each time Jason opened the door to my 'room'.

Feeling the need to go to the toilet and to get changed,
I went into the bathroom to do my business, the chain around my neck clinking with every step closer. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, the same piercing green eyes stared back at me as the day before and the day before that. I picked up the brush and then the comb after to make sure the tangles were out. 'Why do I bother? Unless I get my hair cut it'll only keep tangling' I commented as I observed my waist long blonde hair.

Upon returning from the bathroom I saw him sanding in the middle of the room with his hands behind his back and a cruel smile upon his lips.
"I was wondering how long you would take to heal this time Ai, you're getting quicker after each session." Giving him the usual blank look I strode past him to the black Queen sized bed, "If by 'session' you mean torturing me until I loose consciousness, then I guess I have to agree even to my dismay."
"Mmmh", he mused looking at me as though in thought, " I have an idea, perhaps you could test my theory?"
In a monotone voice I replied "I don't think I have much of a choice do I?"
"Such a clever girl, you do catch onto things fast, just like your brother. I wonder how he's doing after all this time. That reminds me I have an interesting story to tell you but first things first."

Grabbing my chain he unclipped it from the ring attached to the headboard and hooked it on to his wrist. Pulling me along he whistled a tune as we passed through a supposed maze but I knew the way to the 'play room' with my eyes closed.

Arriving at the familiar dark oak double doors he took out a key and unlocked one of the doors. Pushing me inside he proceeded to lock the door so we wouldn't be disturbed and then pulled me over to a metal gold and black chair or as he called it my 'throne'.

Knowing what he expected me to do I sat in the chair and put my arms on top of the arm rests, he then started to wrap re-enforced steel chains around my wrists and fore arms repeatedly. I mean sure if you don't tie me up I'm gonna run but where? After the first few attempts I figured out that I had no chance, even after the operation I had forced on me, I wasn't gonna get away from this place. Even if I did he would hunt me down even to the ends of the earth to get me back and no one would be able to stop him.

A deep chuckle brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up and scowled at him. He was momentarily shocked, staring at me but soon he recovered and howled with laughter. "FINALLY! My little queen has her spark back, I thought I had broken you! I'm so glad you didn't break because you have SO much potential my little queen. As a reward I will tell you about my little encounter with 'your friends'".

I took a sharp intake of breath as his words repeated in my head "your friends".

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