Chapter 12: Lilo

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Lilo brushed out her smooth hair and flattened her purple sundress. It was finally the day.

Five weeks ago, Lilo had submitted and completed the projects for subject matter. Not only had her picture blown her teacher, Ms. Gables away, but was supposed to be hanging up in the class exhibit being held in the gallery! Lilo had gotten an email asking for her permission to use her picture as a featured display, and Lilo had gladly accepted. She did a once over in her mirror before turning to Stitch, who was sitting contentedly on Mary's bed.

"How do I look?" She asked.

Stitch grinned with his wide, gapped teeth. "You. Look. Beauty-full!" He seemed pleased with himself. 

Lilo smiled before unlocking the door so that Mary could get back from the bathroom. Lilo was dragging her roommate to see her accomplishment. She was glad that she had never gotten around to showing Mary the photo; this way it could be a surprise!

"Are you ready then?" Lilo asked as Mary strapped on her more formal sandals.

"Yeah, I'm excited for you!"

The two said their goodbyes to Stitch, who had grown fond of Mary over the last few weeks and waved back as he climbed off the bed to get into some sort of trouble, as Lilo presumed.

The girls walked to the gallery in bouts of awkward small talk. Surprisingly, Lilo still didn't know much about her roommate. She was shy, and Lilo figured that meant getting to know her would take some time. She just didn't think it would take more than five weeks. But Lilo was impatient, a trait she never quite grew out of as a child. After all, they got along pretty well, despite never really talking about anything meaningful. Mary was pretty private about her life, whereas, despite the whole "secret alien ambassador" thing, was pretty much an open book.

As they approached the building hosting the gallery, a girl with short red hair came rushing out as she made eye contact with Lilo.

"Hey, Lilo!" She said once she reached  the girls.

"Oh, hi...Penny, right?" Lilo blinked, shaking her outreached hand.

Penny grinned. "That's right. Hey, I saw your picture on the wall in there, nice job!" She congratulated Lilo, but shifted her gaze to Mary.

"Thanks," Lilo said, surprised that an upperclassman had looked at her work.

"Yeah no problem! You two should be really proud!"

Mary raised an eyebrow as the Penny said goodbye and continued on her fast-paced way. Before she could say anything however, Lilo took her hand and dragged her quickly into the gallery. 

From the moment she stepped foot into the halls, Lilo knew something was happening. There were drinks and refreshments, and a clear traffic pattern of people migrating towards the back right hallway. Lilo followed the people, excitement filling up her chest.

Her heart stopped as she turned the corner. There was her picture, blown up to be three feet tall. It was the same one she had taken of Mary all those weeks ago. If anything, this would get Mary to finally open up to Lilo.

The people were looking at her photo. Lilo's. She felt accomplished, proud even. Taking photographs of people was always something she had loved doing. She truly couldn;t have been happier. She turned around, beaming.

"Mary! Isn't it great? What do you-"

But Lilo was cut off by Mary's horrified expression. Her skin had paled, her eyes wide.

"Lilo, th- that's of me..." she whispered, pointing to the photo.

Lilo's brows knitted together. "Well yeah, what wrong? You look great! Its a really great picture, see everyone is looking at it."

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