Two: Lilo

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    "What is that?" The boarding attendant asked, horrified.

     Lilo looked down at Stitch, who was shoved in a carrier and glaring at the lady. "My dog." She said simply.

    The attendant scrunched up her pointy nose. "Doesn't look like any type of dog I've ever seen!"

    Lilo rolled her eyes. "He was in an accident." Stitch growled from the carrier.

    It was the same story that the two had told ever since Lilo had "adopted him". It was an honest mistake; she had thought he was a dog, until the Galactic Armada had sent Jumba and Pleakly to take him into custody, revealing that he was, in fact, an alien experiment.

    The excuse was just easier to say.

    "Is it a lap dog?" The attendant asked with disdain as she marked Lilo's ticket with a stamp that said "approved" with a little Hawaiian flower on it.

    "Yes." Lilo replied robotically. The exchange was getting tedious.

    The attendant looked at Stich for a second before allowing them to go through the gate. "Keep him in his carrier." She muttered, rolling her eyes. Stitch muttered "stupidhead", and Lilo smirked.

    Once seated, Lilo pulled out her phone and texted Nani that she had boarded. Despite the attendant, Lilo was glad she had chosen to fly commercial. Nani had been worried that Stitch would get into trouble, and Cobra Bubbles, Lilo and Nani's past social worker who was also a secret agent, had wanted to fly them on a private jet. Stitch had wanted to fly the B.R.B (Big Red Battleship). Jumba, an alien that was exiled to earth for inventing experiments illegally and who lived with Lilo and Nani, had wanted to make Lilo her own hoverboard. Pleakly, another alien exiled to earth, said Jumba's idea was stupid and that Lilo should just stay with them and forget college.

    Lilo appreciated their ideas, but she wanted to go to college like everyone else who wasn't involved in all the alien shenanigans; she wanted to fly on a plane.

    She never actually had. She had flown on the back of a spaceship trapped in a little clear container as she was taken across Hawaii. She had flown in the B.R.B before it crashed. Whenever Lilo needed to get anywhere off of her island, she just made use of whatever Jumba invented or the Grand Councilwoman, another alien who was not exiled, supplied for her.

    So, naturally, she didn't think planes would be a problem.

    She was wrong.

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