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I got up to my son crying I got of bed

Me: hold on baby

I went to the bathroom did my routine and came out I grab him and change him I'm potty training him I went to my sister room

Me: woke up baby girl

Desire: no mommy

If y'all are wondering why she call me mommy is because I rise her since she was a baby she knows she my sister by wanted to called me mommy

Me: it time for you to go to school I have to go to work and te'mari have to go to daycare and how about if you be good and school we go to Chuck e cheese

She got out of bed so fast and went to the bathroom when she came out I had breakfast ready

I wash up my son brush teeth and got him ready I did both of their hair and once we was done eating we made our way out the house I lock up I put them in the car and I drop off Te'mari off at daycare I kiss him goodbye he kiss Desire goodbye and me and desire left and headed to her school where I kiss her goodbye then I went to work I work at the hospital I'm a nurse at a children's hospital my life is ok but I'm a single mother of 2 kids even though she my sister she is more like a daughter to me and I don't mind I'm working so hard for them I love my job because it fit around my kids daycare and school hours

If you was wondering how did I end up a single mother and rising two kids

Well my mom is on drugs I don't know my dad and when she got pregnant with my sister I had just finish getting my Nursing degree when my mom try to sell my sister for drug when my sister was 2 weeks old I took her from my mom and move her in with me when my sister became older I told her how she was my sister and how we have the same mom but she still say you are my mommy I couldn't help but smile I love her much when I got pregnant with my son my baby daddy was a thug who only used me and when I told him I was pregnant he stop answering my calls and it seems like he fall off the face of the earth but with my kids in hand I making sure they have a life I didn't

When it was time for me to go home I pick up my kids and I wanted to go home but my baby girl remind me that I would to take her to Chuck e cheese so that what we did we spend the day at the Chuck e cheese and then we went home she did her work wash up and went to be and I put Mari to bed then I went to bed

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