Chapter 1

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I heard a feminine voice. I noticed that the water around me was splashing around until I felt air.

I was finally breathing.

My body sat wet and cold inside the coffin. It was dark outside. I could hear everything again. I wanted to thrash and turn but I was stone. My body was lifeless, the only thing alive were my senses and my mind. I heard a woman humming and these metallic clicks. A scream of a man echoed throughout the cool night air. I was drawn to the smell of blood, but I could not move. A hunger burned through me and I could not quench it. The night soon turned to day and the people who found me were gone, but I started to hear new voices. An older woman who was talking to a man. I couldn't strain my hearing to know what they were saying but I knew they were there. The woman walked closer to my coffin. I could hear her say, "We found something."

A short amount of time passed. The woman walked away from my coffin and I could hear more footsteps. "We didn't find anything in the quarry, but a deputy found this a few miles away." I started to hear the clicking again. "I can open it."

I was confused to why was the man making her open it. He must be arrogant, I thought.

"If Stefan has been in there for three months, chances are he's hungry."

The clicking stopped and I heard a long rusty creak.

A young girl was a part of the new footsteps. "Oh my god," She exclaimed as I assume she saw a dead body, perhaps of somebody she loved. I couldn't believe it. She sounded just like Katerina.

"That's not Stefan." Who was Stefan? Was Stefan the man who screamed? I wasn't sure, and I wasn't sure I cared I just wanted freed.

"Well you're right he was hungry... bet he still is."

The man was moving closer to me. I could hear his blood pumping rapidly. The two followed, crunching the leaves beneath them. I felt a bang on the side of my coffin. I could smell blood. Everywhere. The woman's, the girl's, and the man's. The man lifted my prison's lid. He handed me his wrist which was bleeding. As the blood gratefully flowed down my rough throat, I began to feel alive. I could feel the grayness slowly receding from my face and hands, the cement-like stiffness crawling away from my joints. I could truly breathe for the first time since I first felt the water swell around me.

My eyes, which had previously felt like five-ton weights, fluttered open of their own accord. For the first time, I saw the beautiful land around me. The trees were tall and foreboding, the grass lush and bright. The sky was as empty as I remembered. But now there were unfamiliar faces surrounding my lovingly-crafted casket. A blonde middle-aged woman, in some sort of strange uniform, backed away warily. The person feeding me blood was the man I heard. He was strikingly handsome, but his clothes were strange, too. Next to him was...

"Katerina!" I sped from my lying position and into her arms, sobbing heavily. It would be alright now, my big sister was here. I didn't care if her clothes were strange, or who she was with. I had dreamt of her so many times, and she had promised me it would be alright, that she would find me, and everything would be okay. Now here she finally was.

I heard the man say from behind me, "She thinks you're Katherine." He sounded bewildered.

"Katerina, you've come for me at last. It was so awful. Klaus did this to me, I couldn't stop him. I'm a monster, Katerina. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, dear sister," I rambled through the tears. Every emotion I'd been holding in was magnified tenfold. I wasn't even sure who I was grieving over.

I wanted blood. I needed it. My stomach rumbled at the smell of it. I was so thirsty. I ran at the blonde woman and sunk my fangs into her neck, forcing her blood down my throat. It felt so good. I was ripped away from her mere seconds later by the dark-haired man. He slammed me to the ground and showed off his fangs. I was terrified, I didn't know what to do. I ran to the man and sank my teeth into his neck. I grabbed his shoulder and crushed it. He fell to the ground, but I just kept drinking the warm blood. I didn't care that I broke is shoulder. My grip intensified. I imagine I broke his arm as he was grunting in pain. I felt metal scrape my back, but this did not faze me. I couldn't stop drinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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